If fi re or smoke damper
maintenance is your responsibility,
we can keep you legal.
Under the Regulatory Reform (Fire Safety) Order 2005, it is the legal duty of the “Responsible Person” to
oversee the maintenance and testing of fi re safety systems. This includes fi re dampers and smoke control
dampers, which are invaluable when it comes to maintaining the integrity of a building’s fi re strategy.
To ensure you meet the standards set out in BS 9999, your
dampers should receive a full service once a year, be
inspected at 6-monthly intervals and have 3-monthly
functionality tests carried out by a competent servicer
such as Kingspan Light + Air. Talk to us to arrange a visit.
The Kingspan Light + Air approach to damper
Proper, preventative, pre-emptive service work
undertaken by our qualifi ed specialists not only ensures
that BS 9999 standards are met in full, but also offers
considerable savings in time and money.
We will conduct the following procedures to ensure that
successful and legally compliant damper maintenance
is carried out:
Review and Advise
Our engineers will look over existing damper
maintenance provisions, review maintenance processes
and offer advice on how best to proceed.
Survey and Plan
We will survey the site, verify damper locations
and locate dampers to get a clear picture of the
scale of the operation and an idea of the existing
maintenance schedule.
Service and Report
We’ll check each damper individually, ascertaining
the operational status of the system and all HVAC
controls on-site.
Repair and Replace
We will consider which dampers to repair and which
to replace, creating a cost-effective and considerate
strategy for moving forwards.
Assist with Asset Register
On completion of the damper review process, we will
assist in the completion of all asset registers, including
the location, specifi cation and maintenance history
for all dampers covered by the service contract.
Kingspan Light + Air
Mellyn Mair Business Centre, Lamby Industrial Park, Wentloog Avenue, Cardiff CF3 2EX
T: +44 (0) 29 2077 6160 E: info@kingspanlightandair.com