Natalie Bungay, Technical Compliance Manager at the British Pest Control Association
(BPCA), explains why pests should remain a priority post-pandemic; while Paul Bates, MD of
Cleankill Pest Control o ers some practical tips
Fundamental shi s in working
patterns prompted by the COVID-19
pandemic lockdowns have opened a door
for pest infestations in buildings that
may never have seen such a problem
before. Some buildings were found to
have infestations as workers returned
from lockdown, as pests moved into
empty o ices and call centres in search
of shelter.
BPCA has produced guidance for
businesses that are now reopened and
looking to establish new protocols for
managing their contractors and building
maintenance, to help avoid seasonal pest
It may seem as though fewer people mean
fewer pests, but that is not always true. As
hybrid working has become an established
pattern for many, the reduced footfall in
some buildings – along with the return of
people who bring food with them into the
building – could create an ideal scenario for
certain pests.
Some pests, such as rodents, feel more
comfortable with less foot tra ic, o ering
an environment where rodents feel safe,
while people keeping snacks in desk
drawers, or disposing of food wrappers in
waste paper baskets may inadvertently be
providing the food source rodents require.
A serious infestation may result in
contamination, damage to equipment or
the building and a tarnished reputation,
incurring increased costs.
Professional pest protection is a crucial
component for pest-free premises. BPCA
members have the credentials, experience
and knowledge to help FMs establish and
maintain robust pest management systems.
Facilities managers that retained pest
control maintenance throughout the
lockdowns and continue to do so are bestplaced
to prevent an infestation, or to take
early action on pest activity.
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Pest control needs to be included in any
plan to maintain a building, particularly if
the usual monitoring and checks have not
continued while the property was empty,
and if the number of returning sta is fewer
than before the pandemic.
Once a pest infestation has become
established, it is important to control it,
then continue with proper proofing and
maintenance work to avoid issues in the
future. Most pests move into a building
because they are looking for a food source
or shelter. A building that o ers both is a
prime target for pests.
When carried out by a professional, pest
proofing is an important step in preventing
pests gaining access to buildings.
Rats can enter a property through a 12mm
gap, while mice can squeeze through a
5mm hole. Gaps around cable entry points,
doors, windows and under eaves are all
potential doorways into the building for
Uncovered drains and uncapped
pipework can also be routes into a
building for pests such as rats, mice and
Bins are a major food source for pests,
particularly rodents and flies. Proper
waste disposal procedures should be in
place, while even simple measures such as
ensuring bin lids are kept closed will help
deter pests from using the bin as a bu et.
Outdoor bin areas should be as
inaccessible as possible to pests – make
sure you carry out regular checks for holes
and damage to bins or bin stores, and proof
or fix these when you spot them.
Regular cleaning is also vital. Crumbs
under desks and in kitchen areas o er
rodents an easy night time meal. And as
rodents tend to contaminate surfaces with
urine, faeces and bacteria carried on their
fur and feet, thorough and regular cleaning
not only takes away a food source, but