20 APRIL 2021
In FMJ's regular monthly column, our team of FM experts answer your
questions about the world of facilities management
The most obvious action is to
check that your workplace’s
end of trip facilities for active
travellers are of su icient
quality and quantity. Every
indication is that more people
will be making active travel
choices, partly veering away
from public transport but also
taking advantage of improved
infrastructure. I have seen
evidence to show that in
places there will be a 20-50
per cent increase in cycle commuting post lockdown.
We have undertaken building portfolio reviews
that allow occupiers to invest in the right things
in the right place to meet their local demand,
rather than one size fits all.
But a few grey bike racks are not enough.
Cycle parking for a range of bikes (pedal,
eBikes, e-Scooters, cargo bikes, etc) plus
good-quality showers, lockers, changing
facilities and drying rooms are needed. And
this is not unique to London, which some
people think, as our ReTour series has shown.
You might also think about regular utilisation
studies. Dedicating spaces and lockers to people
who only come in once a week is not e icient. There are
various ways of managing the demand, as with agile working,
such that there is not an over-provision of amenities.
Then provide advice and route
information to employees.
There are some great online
route planners out there (Cycle
Streets, Komoot, etc) but there
is no substitute for good local
knowledge. Quorum Park in
Newcastle is a great example where
the “tenant and travel” advisor has
provided information and insight for
tenants on the business park.
Safer, quieter routes, albeit slower, might
be the best for new starters. New infrastructure,
providing segregated cycling, may now be in place in your
area as a result of the Government’s Emergency Active Travel
Fund. And to quote the CBI/KPMG report “local authorities that
will receive these funds should engage in closer dialogue with
employers, mapping out how investment can facilitate greater
uptake amongst their sta ”. A role for FMs?
As some people will be new to cycling, advice should extend
to getting started safely – what bike to choose, cycle safety
training, what kit to wear, maybe driving part way and cycling
the rest, etc. There are some great local groups like the London
Cycling Campaign, Camcycle (Cambridge), Walk Ride GM
(Greater Manchester), Newcastle Cycling Campaign and many
others where you can turn to for advice.
All this points to a sense of community. Creating active travel
groups in your workplace allows the commuters’ views and
needs to be heard. They are o en able to come up with simple
costs e ective solutions for the FMs, and it keeps them in the
loop and valued. Again, there are simple ways of doing this
from face-to-face meetings to WhatsApp groups, Yammer and
other online platforms.
Provide bike maintenance either on site or a
mobile mechanic. This takes the hassle away
for the individual and makes the commute
a much more pleasurable experience.
Some employees will much prefer the
on-site solution rather than messing
with an oily chain in their front room!
And remember to keep this
inclusive. Active travellers take
many forms – not all are hardened,
long term cyclists. Some have only
just started. So, above all, keep the
engagement going as evidence suggests
that continued support sustains active
travel well beyond the early gimmick phase.
And remember active travel takes all forms –
cycling, running, walking and, in one case in Munich,
swimming to work!
When COVID restrictions
li we will see more
people return to work, in
the high street, the o ice
and service sectors. But
how will we get to work?
What’s our route? Urban
environments are likely to
have more, not fewer tra ic
restrictions – so public transport
or walking or riding a bike will be
the main option for many of us. What
can FMs and workplace professionals do to
make di erent, healthy and safe routes to work more
accessible for everyone?
Neil Webster
Provide bike
maintenance either on site or a
mobile mechanic. This takes the
hassle away for the individual and
makes the commute a much more
pleasurable experience.”
Neil Webster