6 APRIL 2021
The 2021 KPMG CEO Outlook Pulse Survey found that almost half (45 per
cent) of global executives do not expect to see a return to a ‘normal’ course of
business until sometime in 2022, as opposed to nearly one-third (31 per cent)
who anticipate this will happen later this year. The changes prompted by the
pandemic have resulted in one-quarter (24 per cent) of CEOs saying that their
business model has been changed forever by the global pandemic.
The study conducted by KPMG in February and March of this year asked 500
global CEOs about their response to the pandemic and the outlook over a
three-year horizon.
A majority (55 per cent) of CEOs are concerned about employees’ access to
a COVID-19 vaccine, which is influencing their outlook of when employees
will return to the workplace. A significant majority (90 per cent) of CEOs are
considering asking employees to report when they have been vaccinated,
which may help organisations consider measures to protect their workforce.
However, one-third (34 per cent) of global executives are worried about
misinformation on COVID-19 vaccine safety and the potential this may have on
employees choosing not to have it administered.
Bill Thomas, Global Chairman and CEO, KPMG International said: “Before
any major decisions are made, CEOs want to be confident that their workforce
is protected against this virus. The COVID-19 vaccine rollout is providing
leaders with a dose of optimism as they prepare for a new reality. CEOs are
scenario planning for di erence across certain key markets that could impact
their operations, supply chains and people, leading to uneven economic
“Our research shows that some executives have taken strong measures
during the crisis to transform their operating model and ways of working,
accelerating the rollout of key transformational projects, some by choice,
some out of necessity. The pandemic has also been a catalyst for CEOs to
evaluate the role their companies play in society. Many have given voice to
issues they may not have previously commented on publicly — from tackling
climate change to supporting the diverse communities they operate in — and
we need to keep hearing those voices. There is much more to be done.”
As Britain looks set to embrace a
long-term shi to remote working,
compliance firm, Bureau Veritas is
calling on businesses to urgently
prioritise cyber security as a health
and safety risk.
It comes as recent reports show
hackers earned a record £28 million
last year for reporting so ware flaws
during the pandemic. Meanwhile,
with more companies introducing hybrid models of working in which sta split
their time between the o ice and home, cyber security is increasingly becoming a
health and safety issue, with rising pressure on firms to create a ‘cyber safe’ working
environment – whether that is in the home or the o ice.
As such, information security expert Bureau Veritas is encouraging businesses to
mitigate this rising risk by improving cyber security culture within their organisation
and ensuring all employees are trained and up to date on the latest best practices.
Basilio Vieira, Lead Auditor at Bureau Veritas, said: “The Coronavirus pandemic has
irreversibly changed the way we work. And with more of us set to split our working
week between the home and the o ice, organisations need to respond to this
‘paradigm shi ’ by treating information security as a health and safety risk.
“This means instilling a workplace culture which prioritises cyber security at
all times so that employees take this seriously wherever they may be working.”
According to Bureau Veritas, businesses looking to create a robust system for
handling information security risks should look to ISO 27001.
Over a year after we were placed under national lockdown
for the fi rst time, businesses are preparing to open their
doors to staff and visitors once again. The pandemic has had
a long-term impact on working practices and with many
organisations adopting a hybrid working style, the role of the
offi ce has shifted.
Designs are changing to ensure that workspaces are fi t for
purpose post-COVID and one of the areas impacted most is the
front-of-house. The rise of remote working has forced us to
rethink this function, as companies have recognised they can
still maintain a professional welcome virtually.
In response to changing demand, Moneypenny has
partnered with Vpod’s Vgreet to launch a solution that enables
Moneypenny Receptionists to greet and assist visitors via
on-demand video concierge. Balancing the effi ciency of
technology with the reassurance of a real person, the solutions
delivers an exceptional front of house experience without the
need for social distancing.
Seamless check-in
If a visitor requires assistance whilst checking in, all they
need to do is press or say “help” and they will be connected
to a Moneypenny Receptionist instantly. They’re able to see
exactly which location the visitor is at, meaning every call
is handled appropriately. Vgreet checks them in and prints
off a visitors badge before notifying the relevant person that
they’ve arrived.
Accurate health screening
Once the visitor has been checked in and the relevant person
has been notifi ed of their arrival, the technology runs a quick
and completely non-invasive health screening. The builtin
thermal imaging tool ensures businesses are keeping
employees safe by off ering the reassurance that nobody with a
temperature enters the premises.
This feature takes seconds to complete and all visitors need
to do is stand in front of the Vgreet and position their face
within the frame shown on the screen.
Direct visitors around the building
As part of the initial set-up, Vgreet learns all about an offi ce
– from meeting room locations and toilets to refreshment
areas and fi re exits, everything is covered. The solution also
informs visitors of any on-site COVID-19 policies that are in
place, including wearing face coverings and locating handsanitising
stations throughout a building. Virtual receptionists
are able to direct visitors to their meeting and ensure they feel
safe during their visit, exactly as an in-house reception team
Real-time information
Moneypenny Receptionists are able to provide visitors with
transport updates (including train and bus times) and contact
details for taxi companies in your area. They can also advise
visitors on the local amenities, such as recommended food
establishments, car parks and even help direct them to their
hotel accommodation if needed.
Established in 2000, Moneypenny is the world’s market
leader for telephone answering, live chat, outsourced
switchboard and customer contact solutions. In total,
more than 13,000 businesses across the UK benefi t from
Moneypenny’s mix of extraordinary people and groundbreaking
For more information about how Moneypenny supports
businesses, visit