the workforce poses the question: how can team cultures continue
to survive the distance for the foreseeable future? And how can
employers make more of an e ort to communicate with sta and
keep in touch when some companies have teams working both
remotely and in the o ice post-lockdown?
The updated government guidance places responsibility on
individual companies to care appropriately for their employees.
There are a number of ways that you can welcome people back to
the o ice again in a safe and organised manner, ensuring that all sta
feel properly supported.
For example, the
government is emphasising
the importance of
e ective ventilation in the
workplace. Also, health and
safety risk assessments
should be updated to
include the COVID-19 risks
and surfaces should be
cleaned regularly alongside
the additional hand
sanitisation facilities.
Whilst social distancing
from people outside of your
household is no longer advised, HR teams can still aim to reduce
contact between sta by fixing teams (thereby limiting the o ice
numbers), assigning workstations, using screens, staggering working
hours and having back-to-back or side-to-side working in place.
Despite all the disruption workers have faced from home during
lockdown, it has also granted an unprecedented amount of time to
reinvent the working day, with people adopting di erent schedules,
responsibilities and expectations compared to pre-pandemic times.
Another transition period provides the opportunity to really get to
know how employees now prefer to work and how they work most
productively. A simple anonymous questionnaire sent around to
all employees could provide some valuable feedback for the future
of work.
It will be crucial that companies steer clear from the rigid and
structured ways of the o ice that we once all knew, and instead carve
out more creative and flexible working practices.
As the stay-at-home message has now been li ed, employers can
expect workers to return to work and if this is refused, disciplinary
action can be taken. However, HR should try to meet the needs of
all employees where possible and organise 1-on-1 meetings first,
considering the emotional strain many will be experiencing.
Therefore, it’s important to be open to a more flexible way of work,
be that a phased return, temporarily reduced hours, remote or hybrid
working, as opposed to rushing sta back to the workplace again.
Equally, you must prepare for hybrid working if this is the next
step, with additional resources such as technology and equipment,
improved remote working communication channels and employee
management. It will be more important than ever for HR teams
and line management to be on call to support employee mental
wellbeing during this time.
All sta must be updated about health and safety measures that
have been implemented to minimise the risk of COVID-19 at work.
Additionally, people must be reminded about the mental health
support available to them on their return - with any immediate
concerns being addressed as a priority.
22 AUGUST 2021
Sixty-two per cent of the
population has felt anxious
or worried during COVID-19,
according to Mental Health
UK, while almost 59 per cent
of working women said they
feel more prone to extreme
levels of stress compared to
a year ago (and 44 per cent
said their employer had no
plan in place to protect them
from burnout).
However, by embracing
a hybrid o ice model,
employers are gaining an
opportunity to reimagine the workplace as a cultural and social
environment, inspiring collaboration, creativity and friendships.
This can be supported through the promotion of regular breaks.
At Eurest we are firm believers that regular breaks are essential
whatever your job. They provide time to de-stress and relax, keep
you alert and productive, and support good health and mental
wellbeing. In fact, 82 per cent of workers are reported to feel
less stressed a er a co ee break, with 67 per cent feeling more
productive. Although, it is important to remember that employees
may not always feel comfortable asking for a break so outwardly
expressing support can be key.
Creating comfortable and attractive spaces within a workplace can
help to maximise the potential of break times, actively encouraging
downtime and socialisation among employees. So, with employees
working from home more frequently, why not repurpose any empty
desk space for areas geared toward wellbeing? Our survey of nearly
14,000 European workers found that having a workplace restaurant
is considered the third most important workplace benefit.
Not only can regular breaks provide time to de-stress, but they can
also be a chance to re-fuel. Behavioural psychology teaches us that
when healthier food options are readily available, we are more likely
to build the habit of eating a balanced diet. Having fresh, wholesome
food on o er at work as a ‘nudge’ means people are far more inclined
to opt for choices that benefit both physical and mental health.
Be mindful of the fact that anxieties around hygiene may still be
present, even if employees are vaccinated. Clearly communicate
updated cleaning protocols and ensure that the latest guidelines are
being complied with. Pre-COVID, cleaners and the general workforce
used to be like ships in the night, with only the early birds and night
owls ever seeing cleaners in their workplace. Now, visible cleaning
teams help to reassure employees and visitors to the building that
regular cleaning is taking place throughout the day.
Before considering how a space is cleaned, first think about how
it is used. Which areas in the business have the most foot tra ic and
which activities can be relocated to another place? Be creative in
reimagining how spaces can be used to distribute people evenly so
that everyone feels they can safely collaborate.
Do you have a question that you’d like
answered by the FMJ Clinic?
Julie Lock
Liz Forte