AUGUST 2021 49
HMS Belfast, the most significant surviving Royal
700 Apollo Xp95 detectors and interfaced with VESDA
Navy warship from the Second World War, has
aspirating smoke detection.
been equipped with leading fire protection from
Shane Robinson, Project Manager at Atalian
Servest Fire & Security, said: “Following a number of
Permanently moored as a museum ship on the
successful MxPro 5 installation
River Thames in London, the decommissioned Royal
projects across numerous
Navy warship, HMS Belfast is owned and operated
buildings operated by the IWM
by Imperial War Museum (IWM). As part of ongoing
estate, Advanced’s solutions
fire system upgrade works taking place across the
were our first choice when
Museum’s estate, an eight-loop and a two-loop MxPro
recommending a fire system
5 fire panel, along with a TouchControl touchscreen
for HMS Belfast. The fire alarm
remote control terminal and repeater, have been
control and indicating equipment
installed across six of the battleship’s nine decks, as
is both modern and extremely
well as in its on-shore visitor pavilion.
user-friendly for clients to operate, with the added
Facilities services
functionality and aesthetics of the
company Atalian
TouchControl panel.”
Servest was responsible
TouchControl is the low-profile, highresolution
for the installation,
touchscreen repeater that
commissioning and
makes it easy to check fire system status
networking of the fire
via interactive maps and zone plans,
panels in accordance with
while complementing a wide range of
BS 5839. The panels were
interiors. When in standby, it can be used
integrated with around
to display branding, advertisements and
information, but will instantly revert to fire operation
when a fire condition occurs.
Responsible for the supply of the fire alarm control
panels for the project at HMS Belfast was Advanced’s
long-standing partner, ADI Global.
Gareth Roberts, Category Manager of
Fire for UK and Ireland at ADI Global,
said: “The customer chose ADI due
to our excellent value proposition
and our commitment to deliver
against requirements. We utilised
our extensive, industry leading stock
portfolio to ensure the customer’s
expectations and requirements were met throughout
the lifecycle of this project.”
MxPro 5 is the fire industry’s leading multiprotocol
fire system solution, certified by FM Approvals to the
EN 54 standard. It o ers customers a choice of four
detector protocols and a completely open installer
network, backed up by free training and support.
MxPro 5 panels can be used in single-loop, singlepanel
format, or easily configured into high-speed
networks of up to 200 panels covering huge areas.
Apart from the change to our shopping habits,
already evident before the pandemic, lockdown
has proved devastating to our shopping streets.
Even before COVID, 25-40% of retail space was no
longer viable or needed but by the start of 2021,
it was estimated that some 50% of retail rents
from 2020 remained unpaid and the UK’s high
streets had lost more than 17,500 chain store
outlets with an average daily closure of 48 shops,
restaurants and other leisure venues.
The demise of familiar brands still continues, but it’s
not just big chains that are su ering. Hospitality has
taken a serious hit and so have a multitude of small
that is simple, a ordable and ticks all the necessary
independent retailers.
boxes to keep the premises safe and secure until new
Unfortunately, these empty units are like an open
tenants take over.
invitation to thieves, vandals, arsonists or squatters,
Like an easy to understand and buy, one-stopshop
even fly-tippers if there is an inviting forecourt to
solution, the ShopShield basic package will
dump on.
Commercial security experts, Clearway, have
stepped into the breach with exactly what’s needed
to stop both criminals and mindless vandals:
ShopShield. A fixed-price, retail security solution
cover replacement locks, a temporary letterbox
seal and flammable waste removal, along with a
comprehensive risk assessment to highlight other
potential problems that can be easily and e iciently
sorted. A set of bolt-on services is also available that
can provide additional security measures tailored to
the individual needs of your premises. These include
a self-contained, wireless, monitored alarm system,
utilities drain down, and regular property inspections.
Clearway’s prompt and personal service will
do whatever is necessary or appropriate for each
individual retail unit, big or small.
Deterrent is the word, a ordability the key, and
peace of mind the result. Why wait? One call to the
experts and we can solve your empty retail property
security problem straight away. 01322 479652