AUGUST 2021 33
else on another podium who was able
to o¦ er support, rather than that very
long ‘blockage’ you get with traditional
She then moved to so ware experts
Condeco where she gained an appreciation
of the power of workplace tech and then
onto Sodexo where she eventually took
the role of Guest Services Transformation
Manager for Corporate Services.
A er working across a number of sectors,
including insurance and legal, as well as
running a range of London boutique sites
o¦ ering guest services, hospitality, security
and hard FM, “Churchill came knocking
on my door, and they’ve given me this
awesome opportunity to set up and lead a
guest services division, with a blank canvas
to make my mark.”
As people begin to return to the workplace,
guest services play a key role in reassuring
both sta¦ and visitors that they are entering
a safe and welcoming environment. On
Verve, which means vigour and spirit,
sits alongside Churchill’s other facilities
management services, such as security,
catering and housekeeping, to o¦ er either
an integrated or standalone service.
Ultimately though, On Verve has the core
message of being ‘makers of someone’s
day’ and argues Angelico, brings a fresh
approach to the market.
“The reason I created On Verve was that
I saw there was a gap, and there was an
opportunity to bring something fresh and
modern. It is not about creating a so-called
hotel experience where everyone tries to
translate it to o¦ ering a five-star service.
I’d say, ‘what does that actually mean?’ as
for me it’s more about creating energy and
enthusiasm in the workplace.”
The concept is that On Verve ‘DayMakers’
serve both employees and guests, with the
aim of making their experiences positive
ones. Sta¦ are fully immersed in their
environments to ensure they are fully intune
with occupants and guests, o¦ ering
a personalised experience down to the
smallest details. The DayMakers deliver
a range of employee and guest services
that include workplace and community
management, event management,
meeting room management, AV, help
desks, concierge services, receptions and
Talking to people in
the industry a theme
which came up
for Angelico was
in making the
workplace a destination again. O¦ ices are
now competing with the likes of Starbucks,
where an employee can work or have a
meeting instead of the workplace.
“Clients have been saying, ‘we need
help with that’ so what we’ve developed
is separate guest services and employee
services solutions, because sta¦ don’t want
to be treated the same as a guest. In this
way, by identifying the di¦ erent needs of
the stakeholders we’re looking a er we’ve
created two di¦ erent o¦ ers which cater to
those di¦ erent needs.”
The key role of the guest services
experience says Angelico is to make
a visitor feel safe even prior
to their arrival, so the tech
enables guests to book in
online, which o¦ ers them
reassurance even when
journeying to the site.
The technology does a
lot of the interrogation, i.e.
who they are there to see,
which company they are
from etc, but once visitors
have entered the building,
Angelico explains: “The human
The reason I created On Verve
was that I saw there was a gap,
and there was an opportunity to bring
something fresh and modern. It is not
about creating a so-called hotel
experience where everyone tries to
side can be about welcoming you
there, setting people up in the meeting
translate it to oƚ ering a fi vestar
room and looking a er them. I also advise
our DayMakers to ‘look for tips,’ are they
carrying luggage, do they have a wet
umbrella, is there keys in their hands and if
so, ask where they parked”
With it looking very likely that many
organisations will shi to hybrid working
post-pandemic, On Verve is also geared up
to support remote workers and help them
feel connected to their workplace. To do