Iain Shorthose, Director of Customer & Workplace
Experience at Mitie explains why the results of a
customer survey into client’s workplace requirements
and strategies during 2020 will help FM providers
and their clients meet their goals in 2021
Prior to taking up the role of Director of Customer &
Workplace Experience at Mitie following Interserve’s
acquisition in December, Iain Shorthose held the same role
with the Interserve Group, and oversaw its annual customer
survey. The results for 2020, not only provide valuable
feedback on how a leading FM provider performed during
COVID but includes fascinating insights to the FM sector over
the next six, 12, and even 18 months.
Just a snapshot of the data revealed that satisfaction rates
were at a five-year high, a reflection of the contribution made
by facilities management during the global crisis. Aligned to
this there were strong indications that satisfaction levels were
less about meeting SLAs and KPIs and more about being able to
provide reassurance and flexible responses during a challenging
and uncertain time.
Shorthose has over 15 years’ experience developing and
delivering customer and workplace strategies across a range of
sectors. The annual customer relationship survey goes out to
decision makers and influencers amongst Interserve’s top 100
customers, but the methodology was changed to reflect the
extraordinary circumstances of the pandemic.
“We wanted to recognise that in such a challenging time,
where we’d normally arrange interviews that would last 10 to
15 minutes, this time around we were respectful of the pressure
people were under so we did a ‘pulse survey’ using our customer
insight team. This comprised a short five to 10-minute online
survey which asked a series of core questions fed into a net
promoter score, covering areas such as satisfaction, trust and
e ort. We also wanted the data to provide some insights into how
customer’s client strategy was shaping and changing so we could
support them going forward.”
24 FEBRUARY 2021