but the team is excited and up for the challenge. That’s
because there’s more opportunity for them to step into
more senior roles and develop their skills and as part
of this transformation, we’re providing more training
because we believe that while it’s always important
to invest in people, now’s the time to make that the
number one priority.
As workplace change specialists we
were well placed to carry out such
a challenging but ultimately
rewarding process and
we’re happy to share our
experiences and best
practice advice for
those contemplating
carrying out a
change management
Implementing a
strong and e ective
workplace change
strategy is no mean
feat. But it is crucial for
any organisation that wants
to get the most from its assets.
The unpredictability of recent years
and the rapid evolution of workplace
expectations has made keeping abreast with
innovation increasingly important.
Change, even for the better, can bring uncertainty
and disruption. There are many change management
strategies and models designed to smooth the
transition. While these can be useful, they can add
a further level of di iculty to an already complex
process. For organisations willing to invest in smooth
and e ective workplace transformation, it pays to
work with an expert. Regardless of whether your
organisation opts for expert guidance or keeps the
work inhouse,
there are some basic steps to follow for
an e ective change strategy.
7here are many elements that
feed into workplace success, from
design to culture, to hierarchy and
organisational strategies. It is important
to take a holistic approach and ask for
feedback from those at every level
of the organisation.”
For some organisations, it may not be possible to hire
an expert for the whole duration of the project. Where
this is the case, it is still worth considering which
elements would benefit from outside expertise.
Begin by considering the skills you have inhouse.
Elements of the project will include:
Identifying core goals and return on interest. What
constitutes success and how it will be measured?
Identifying risks.
Developing a communications strategy. This
is fundamental to streamlining the process for
all a ected, minimising any confusion or sense
of uncertainty. It is useful to compare various
models of change management and find the most
Developing a workflow vision.
Recruiting change champions. These individuals are
central to getting people on board and managing
Workplace change requires a holistic approach, so a
diverse and highly competent team is important.
Traditionally, change management has been a
lengthy process. However, the recent upheaval has
forced organisations to challenge their
conception of what is possible.
We are undoubtedly going
to see continued, rapid
workplace evolution
over the coming years
and fast and e ective
change is necessary.
When developing a
plan, consider which
elements can be
put in place first and
how this aligns with
changes to employee
working patterns and
styles. Business refits and
moves to agile working can be
carried out in just a few weeks,
but communicating the change needs
to be done over a longer period.
Workplace change for the sake of change can be a
very costly vanity project. But an e ective and wellmanaged
change can transform your organisation.
Begin by analysing your current position and where
you want your organisation to be. What targets can you
meet to show you’re on track?
The goals and KPIs can vary greatly by client and
project. Some businesses are looking to cut costs;
others are working to improve workplace culture.
These are clearly very di erent so make sure your KPIs
truly reflect your end goal.
There are many elements that feed into workplace
success, from design to culture, to hierarchy and
organisational strategies. It is important to take a
holistic approach and ask for feedback from those
at every level of the organisation. Go about planning
changes in a strategic manner and work with someone
who can keep an eye on the bigger picture while the
details are taken care of.
Once the ball is rolling, its important to keep the whole
organisation in the loop in order to get buyin
all levels. Changing the ways employees use space or
interact can be disruptive so they need to engage and
be willing to try a new approach from the start.
Don’t just tell sta that change is happening, explain
why and how this change is managed and how it will
benefit them. Use surveys and open conversations to
get feedback at each stage. Employees may not know
the science behind workplace design or the newest
technology, but they are experts on their personal
experience. Their options and preferences have to be
considered when developing new designs.