FMs servicing educational
establishments will be
especially busy at this time of
year, ensuring the safe provision of
hydration for educational buildings
including schools, universities and
What should FMs be aware of to
ensure they are providing the best
solution for their customers?
The Water-dispenser & Hydration
Association (WHA), the Industry’s
association maintaining quality and
standards, answers some questions
which may be raised.
Why is hydration especially
important for the educational
Research has shown that 6 out of 10
children are thought to arrive at school
in a dehydrated state. Even a 1% drop
in hydration can impair physical and
academic performance. Knowing when
you are thirsty doesn’t come naturally
to any of us but especially children.
Their higher total body water content
and high respiratory and metabolic
rate makes them more vulnerable to
the risk of dehydration, compared with
adults. Children need to be ‘taught’ to
drink frequently and healthily. They
should have 6 – 8 drinks a day, and it
has been proved that it encourages
healthy hydration if water bottles are
kept on their desks.
What action can educators take to
encourage students to drink water?
There is one easy way for students to
know if they are properly hydrated – and that’s to
check the colour of their urine!
The WHA “pee” chart is available to download
from the WHA website and can be duplicated and
placed in specific areas in student facilities.
If students see that they are dehydrated they
should head straight to a water source. Therefore,
ample provision of water fountains and dispensers
give students the opportunity to keep hydrated and
also to fill their personal water bottles.
What kind of product should FMs consider?
WHA Distributors will be able to guide you to the
best solutions. Whether you choose a fountain, a
bottled water dispenser or a mains-fed dispenser
depends on the accessibility of the mains water
Where should FMs source safe, hygienic and
reliable hydration solutions?
Whichever style of water dispenser is appropriate,
FMs should make sure of one thing. Choose a
supplier that is a member of the Water-dispenser
& Hydration Association. The WHA is the leading
trade body which ensures standards of safety and
hygiene are top of their class. WHA Members must
adhere to strict Codes of Practice and are rigorously
audited every year. By dealing with a Member you
are getting the best.
Visit the WHA website to check who is your nearest
What about sustainability?
As well as providing one of the healthiest hydration
solutions, the water dispenser industry is also one
of the most sustainable. Bottled water dispensers
are highly sustainable as the bottles are collected,
cleansed and reused many times over. Mains-fed
dispensers of course use water from the mains
supply. In addition many WHA members follow the
‘5 for 5 Sustainability Pledge’.
We strongly recommend that when looking for
hydration solutions for your clients, you place
membership of the WHA as an accreditation body,
on your checklist of requirements in your tender
documents. Quality. Trust. Standards. We are the
WHA – the advantage is clear. 01707 656 382