WATER SAFE Paul Millard, Technical Manager at Water Regs UK, explains the importance of
making sure washrooms comply with the water fi ttings regulations and byelaws
In properties across the country, facility
managers are responsible for ensuring that
washrooms comply with the Water Fittings
Regulations and Scottish Byelaws. Compliance
not only protects water quality but also plays an
important role in making sure that water waste is
kept to a minimum.
It may come as a surprise to hear that around 400
million litres of water are estimated to leak from
toilets across the UK every day. This is enough to
supply water to 2.8 million people.
Taking steps to ensure that a washroom is robust
and compliant with regulations helps to reduce the
risk of a leak further down the line. So, what does
this mean for facilities managers?
The Water Fittings Regulations(i) and Scottish
Byelaws(ii) set out the legal requirements for
plumbing systems through design, installation,
operation and maintenance of water fittings and
appliances. These regulations are in place to prevent
water contamination, misuse, waste and undue
consumption of water.
The regulations apply from the point where water
enters the property’s underground pipe to where
the water is used in plumbing systems, water fittings
or waterusing
appliances in all types of premises
supplied, or to be supplied, with water by a water
It’s important for facilities managers to remember
that before most types of plumbing work takes place,
the regulations require the local water supplier’s
consent first. This can help prevent noncompliant
work being installed, which would be more
expensive to correct later.
To comply with the regulations, there are various
measures in place which impact di erent products in
a washroom.
Basins must have plugs to help conserve water.
However, if the tap flow is less than 3.6 litres
per minute, has a spray tap fitted or has a selfclosing
tap, then a plug is not needed, and the
taps will still comply with regulations.
When the shower head reaches the tray,
showers require backflow protection in order
to comply with the regulations. Most situations
are Fluid Category 3 (FC3) and therefore
require double check valves, however some
situations need a higher level of protection. If
you’re unsure, the easiest way to check is to
contact your local water company.
Urinals need the right backflow protection and
should supply no more water than is necessary
for effective flow over the internal surface of
the urinal and replacing the fluid in the trap.
In particular, care should be taken to ensure
that automatic flushing systems have isolation
valves and time controls so they do not use
more water than is necessary.
Bidets are categorised as being high risk (FC5),
so it’s really important facilities managers
ensure that they are installed correctly by
an approved plumber. To comply with the
regulations, there needs to be a physical air
gap to ensure safety.
Unlike the everyday bathroom, some washrooms
also include cleaner stations. Cleaner stations which
have bucket fill points with hoses can be the highest
level of risk (FC5), so there needs to be careful
consideration about how these points are used. Type
DC pipe interrupters can be useful with open ended
hoses – however there may be limitations on flow. If
you’re in doubt, check with your water company.
Over the last year, many facilities managers have
had to put precautions in place to adhere to social
distancing. To ensure that water within the plumbing
system is not le¥ to stagnate, you should consider
how water use in di erent parts of the building
has been a ected. You may consider introducing
flushing plans or rotate the WCs and basins that
are available. This helps to ensure each part of the
plumbing system gets used and maintains regular
water turnover.
Facilities managers can take a number of precautions
to ensure that their property, in particular their
washrooms, comply with water regulations. Two of
the most important factors to consider are whether
the plumbing product which is being installed
complies with the Water Fittings Regulations and
Byelaws and, when looking for an installer, making
sure they’re a qualified professional, such as a
WaterSafe plumber.
WaterSafe plumbers must have specific
qualifications in the regulations before they can be
approved and can issue you with a work completed
certificate. This certificate gives you legal protection
against prosecution as you can demonstrate you
used an Approved Contractor.
Ensuring that only compliant plumbing products
and fittings are purchased is the first step in making
sure that a property’s washrooms don’t breach
regulations. All plumbing fittings that are installed,
must be tested to demonstrate they are of a suitable
quality and standard. These tests check for any
impact on water quality and leaks, so it makes sense
to check that every product has been tested or look
for an approval mark for reassurance before they are
As not all products that are sold have been
tested, a simple way to be sure of compliance
is to check their ‘approved’ status. There are a
number of approval schemes in the UK, including:
wrasapprovals.co.uk; kiwa.co.uk/waterproducts; and
(i) www.legislation.gov.uk/uksi/1999/1148/contents/made
(ii) www.scottishwater.co.uk/business-and-developers/