Our latest FM survey reveals practical employee education and support is more essential than ever
in improving waste management performance and there’s a greater emphasis on saving money
Facilities managers are now more
concerned about the importance of
demonstrating return on investment and
managing available manpower than ever
before. Both topics took top spots for
the first time in the annual FM survey by
Facilities Management Journal, conducted
in conjunction with Grundon Waste
Management. This underlines the fact that
the purse-strings have been tightened in a
post-pandemic world.
In contrast, service delivery and
compliance have dropped out of the top
two altogether for the first time since
the survey was first carried out in 2018.
Compliance just about crept into third
place this year, with less than one in four
respondents saying it was important.
There was however, a big jump in the
number of FMs who say they are expected
to produce environmental reports. For the
last three years the number has hovered
around the halfway mark, but now over
80 per cent say they have to showcase
their environmental success stories.
28 NOVEMBER 2021