367m tonnes global production of plastics
36% increase in production in 10 years
88% of all plastics are not recycled
8m tonnes of plastic enters the oceans every
400 years in land ll before plastics degrade
15-20ls of water required to manufacture a
5l plastic container
1kg plastic will produce 3kgs of CO2
8% of world oil production is used to make
350mls of oil to produce a 5l plastic
3kgs of CO2 released for every 1kgs of PET
plastic manufactured
NOVEMBER 2021 47
Plastics, particularly waste plastics, are one
of the most ubiquitous man-made materials
on the planet. Waste plastics can be found on
the peak of Mount Everest and the bottom of
the Mariana Trench, in the Antarctic and Artic,
in the Gobi Desert and the Amazon jungle.
In 2010, the global production of plastic was
270 million metric tonnes. Ten years later in 2020,
despite the impact of the pandemic, it was 367
million metric tonnes, an increase of 36% in 10
years. Production is forecast to double by 2035.
Less than 12% of all plastic waste is recycled to
make new plastics, while 40% is sent to landfill,
25% to incineration and 23% is dumped on land
and in the sea. In the UK, while di erent sources
state di erent statistics, it is probable that around
20% of plastics are recycled, however this also
takes account of plastic waste that is exported to
third world countries where much is either burnt
or dumped – we export our problems to make our
home statistics look better. We think that the plastic
we use is recycled responsibly, but just because a
bottle or container says it is recyclable, does not
mean it will actually be recycled and used again.
Many recyclable plastics become single use.
Plastic also takes a significant amount of water
to manufacture. It takes between 15-20ls of water
to make 1 x 5l container – 3-4 times as much as the
volume of the container. Water is also used to drill
for oil and gas which is the base material for most
modern plastics. The ‘water footprint’ of plastic
production is considerable and given the increasing
pressure on water resources due to climate change,
reducing plastic consumption and waste should
be a priority of any government, corporate and
Plastics also have a carbon footprint. The
manufacture of 1kg of PET (polyethylene
terephthalate) plastic can produce up to 3kgs
of carbon dioxide. Processing plastic resins and
transporting plastic bottles contribute to a bottle's
carbon footprint in a major way. Estimates show
that 1 x 5l plastic container can have a total carbon
footprint equal to 828 grams of carbon dioxide.
As well as general plastic waste,
microplastics are an increasingly
proliferating factor in our lives
and in the environment. It is now
scientific fact that microplastics are
found in animals and fish, entering
the human food chain. Microplastics
are present in the soil, in the sea
and even in the air. We ingest them
in the food we eat and we inhale
them in through the air we breathe.
We cannot live our normal lives
without plastics, however we can
take steps to reduce our use and in
so doing help enhance our health
and reduce the environmental impact that plastic
production and disposal causes.
The majority of cleaning and disinfection
chemicals are manufactured in central factories,
then packaged in plastic containers and packaging,
then transported to distribution hubs before finally
being delivered to client sites. Month a er month.
A er use, the plastic containers and packaging has
to be disposed of – hopefully for recycling, but can
find their way to landfill or simply being dumped.
The carbon and water footprints of this process is
excessive and preventable.
ECA technology can substantially reduce the
environmental impact of cleaning and disinfection
regimes by generating solutions on-site. The
process requires simply water and salt – both
natural and naturally sustainable – and small
amounts of electricity to produce safe and highly
e ective cleaning and disinfection solutions. The
ECA systems themselves have a carbon emission
footprint for manufacturer and delivery to site, but
once there the pollution footprint is virtually zero,
and the reduction in the use and disposal of plastics
and residue chemicals is significant.
By adopting ECA technology and systems,
corporates and public sector organisations can
contribute positively and proactively to reducing
climate change – and save costs at the same
time. It is an easy step to take, but one that
will enhance hygiene and safety in the working
environment, and engage with sta and customers
by showing environmental leadership. It is no
longer discretionary – it is everyone’s responsibility
to be on the right side and take small steps which
ultimately will help restore our environment. 01373 470638