NOVEMBER 2021 49
Healthy hydration is essential to the wellbeing
of the workforce, helping to keep
the immune system strong – and this is just as
important in the Winter months as it is in the
Keeping hydrated will help the workforce
stay alert and energetic all day, fending off
daytime fatigue caused by central heating and
heated air conditioning
Thirst can be mistaken for hunger and result
in snacking - in the winter that can especially
lead to weight gain. Remaining hydrated
prevents the desire to eat between meals and
helps digestion
At a time when there are a lot of viruses
circulating, in addition to COVID-19,
dehydration can weaken immune systems
and reduce resistance to infections. Reaching
for a glass of water ensures that the barriers
used to protect the body are fully in action and
Christmas parties will soon be returning –
drinking water glass for glass can help prevent
over indulgence and resulting sore heads!
Use of a water dispenser is a simple and easy
method of providing workplace hydration in a safe
and hygienic way with minimal personal contact.
For workers still reticent about returning to work,
the fear of contracting the COVID-19 will be at the
forefront of their minds; using toilets and other
facilities such as the communal kitchen could be
risk areas and the WHA Guidelines are there to
ensure that the water dispenser is not.
When FMs are looking for hydration solutions for
their customers it may be di icult to distinguish
between all the various companies and o erings in
the marketplace. That’s where the Water-Dispenser
and Hydration Association (WHA) comes in. The
WHA treats safety as its highest priority and is the
body that oversees its Members to ensure continued
and sustainable standards. So what’s in it for FMs?
– especially with continued concerns relating to the
COVID-19 pandemic.
Using a WHA Member gives peace of mind; just
as you would only use approved suppliers to fit
electrical and gas appliances, you need to ensure
that your water dispenser provider is a professional
too – and you can do this by using a WHA Member.
WHA Members must follow the highest standards in
safety and hygiene. They are:
Professional, reliable and motivated to supply
the best products and services
Committed to delivering safe hydration that
promotes health and wellbeing
Audited rigorously to the highest industry
standards of hygiene and safety of drinking water
Assessed to comply to both legislative and WHA
requirements so FMs can be assured that their
legal obligations are met
Mandated to receive regular industry specific
training in hygiene, distribution management
and dispenser installation
Supported by knowledgeable and expert
industry specialists
Assured to provide a distinct point of di erence
in the hydration marketplace.
Customers are advised to introduce a daily cleaning
and disinfection of all contact surfaces within their
workplace as well as social distancing. Customer
Factsheets are available on
hydration on both the re-introduction of workplace
hydration and essential care of water dispensers.
We strongly recommend that when looking for
hydration solutions for your clients, you place
membership of the WHA as an accreditation body
on your checklist of requirements. Quality. Trust.
Standards. We are WHA – the advantage is clear.
Quote WHA in all tender documentation. Visit for a full list of
accredited WHA Members. 01707 656 382