The UK Government has set some pretty
Part of Samsics UK’s CSR statement showing that they use renewable
cleaning solutions (with Centrego products)
Corporate Social Responsibility
Environmental Targets
Objective: Improve the well-being of sta ,
customers and the public by helping make
the environment a better and healthier
place for all to live
Reduction of CO¦ emissions
Reduction of water footprint
Reduction of plastic footprint
Reduction of harmful and toxic chemicals
Reduction of non-biodegradable waste
Reduction of landfill waste
Reduction of water pollutants
Reduction of air pollutants
ambitious environmental targets for the
country in the lead-up to COP26 and at the
Conference itself. Governments set targets
and impose the regulatory framework, and the
burden of implementation them is cascaded
down to business. This is no di erent – business
will be expected to take actions to demonstrate
their commitment to environmental challenges.
This will not be discretionary – corporates
will have to set
specific targets for
carbon emission
impact mitigation,
and wellbeing
for their sta ,
customers and
the public. They
will have to set
out their goals,
identify the
specific actions
they plan to
take, and then
report on the
against set targets. Corporates will be
measured on the results which will in turn
impact on investor appetite for stock.
Every corporate has a section in their Annual
Report for Corporate Social Responsibility –
including their environmental objectives and
initiatives. It is here that commitments can
be assessed based on ambition, intent and
performance. The importance of this section has
grown over the past decade from being a ‘nice-tohave’
to now being a key performance indicator.
Some initiatives will be big and require
considerable investment to achieve the reductions
required. However there are some actions that
corporates can take that are easy to make, can
be implemented immediately and will have an
instant impact on environmental responsibility and
ECA technology allows cleaning and disinfectant
solutions to be generated on-site at point-ofuse,
and can dispense with the production,
containerisation, transport, storage and disposal
of synthetic chemicals and packaging. In terms
of objectives of reductions in so many polluting
footprints, so many are met by swapping the use of
synthetic chemicals, delivered monthly to site, for
ECA solutions. Proven to be highly e ective at killing
bacteria, viruses, fungi, molds and spores, as well as
leaving surfaces clean and smear-free, ECA solutions
are non-toxic, non-hazardous and hypoallergenic,
posing no hazard to humans or the environment.
Generated from natural and naturally-sustainable
inputs of water and salt, plus a very small electrical
change, the activated solution has a virtually
instantaneous contact time to kill microorganisms
at up to Log 5 (99.999%) reduction at low
concentrations, and then reverts back to slightly
salty water.
Centrego has ECA systems to meet every size and
configuration of facility. Installation is quick and
easy, supported by comprehensive training for sta
and users. Swapping traditional synthetic cleaning
and disinfection chemicals for ECA solutions is
such an easy decision for any corporate or public
organisation to make. There is no downside
and the implementation can be reported in the
Annual Report to evidence one of the actions
the organisation is taking in tackling negative
environmental impacts. The clear message to sta ,
customers, shareholders, investors, the public – and
soon to regulatory bodies – is that this organisation
is serious about its environmental responsibilities
and is committed to taking actions at every level.
Many corporates and organisations have already
taken these actions and report on in their Annual
Reports, demonstrating their environmental and
wellbeing commitments. Of course swapping
synthetic cleaning and disinfection chemicals for
in-situ ECA solutions will not in itself stop climate
change, but it is a contribution that impacts on
multiple environmental issues. It is a decision that
corporates and organisations can make now and
take advantage of the benefits immediately. Be on
the Right Side. Make the Right Call.
The Centrego Renew is a portable
disinfectant and cleaning solution
generator which will be available in 2022 01373 470638