risk mapping solution - you can actively view
on one page all the di erent risks in your
organisation, project by project, in a tra ic
light view that changes as the data comes
in. While the Info Exchange tool is a standard
code base, every configuration is bespoke, so
if an organisation has a particular risk around
for example food, they could have enhanced
metrics linked to that or if their focus is solely
on hard FM delivery it can be around all the
regulations they need to follow.
“That delivers an incredibly useful tool
and we’ve got examples of health and safety
directors who look at their iPad before walking
into a site and they take a snapshot of what’s
going on the project on their risk map so they
know what questions to ask of the manager
on site.”
EHSQ (Environmental, Health, Safety, and
Quality Management) is fast emerging as
a must have for any organisation, yet the
recent evaluation of 25 major companies by
the Corporate Climate Responsibility Monitor
conducted by NewClimate Institute found
that most were failing to achieve their EHSQ
targets. According to Jones, the problem
42 MARCH 2022
is that many organisations are having
di iculty in knowing where to start. To
address this issue, Alcumus has launched
a new international, standards-based
Environmental, Social and Governance
solution. The platform enables businesses
of all sizes to build one true view of
their ESG performance for the first time,
providing simple data analysis across 11
key areas.
“A lot of large organisations have a long
way to go in terms of being able to analyse
and articulate what their base line is when
it comes to things like carbon, how to
reduce it and reach net zero. From a digital
perspective there are a lot of solutions but
what we’ve tried to do is collate 11 key
topics together on one platform that can
act as a one stop shop to get organisations
to begin tracking.
“The beauty is that the product is
accessible to all, there is no licence fee
for users, as we want people to access the
so ware and put the data in because that’s
where you get the maximum benefit.
“The topics range from subjects like
carbon tracking including into Scope 2 and
3 which FMs can monitor through their
supply chain, but the really exciting one is
that we’ve created our own methodology to
analyse all the social value and community
activities within an organisation and their
supply chain.
“We can track modern slavery training
and also o er a whistle blowing solution
through that platform and loop in the safe
contractor data so you’ve this whole data
set that you can start to build your base line
on. You can switch it on and in a matter
of days start employing it within your
organisation. I really do think that is the
next big growth area that organisations are
going to need to get their arms around.”
Jones’ own experiences at Carillion
encompassed much more than FM, as
it included HR as well as sustainability
and H&S, so she’s aware of the need for
multidiscipline teams to work together to
meet compliance and ESG challenges. On
her experiences of working with one of
the larger FM providers on a supply chain
compliance onboarding process, Jones
says: “We’re so impressed how coherently
they’ve pulled everyone together to
deliver a completely consistent change
management system. You can’t put
something like this into an organisation as
piece of new so ware and just expect it to
be successful, it’s got to be a whole change
management system approach and you
need the C suite involved as well as the
whole team.”
As organisations prepare for the post
pandemic workplace, Jones says she is
excited to help grow the firm’s network,
not just across the UK but across the globe.
For instance, the expansion of the Safe
Contractor tool will cover suppliers in more
detail, creating a full supply chain solution.
“What we’re finding that is historically
where a lot of organisations have
prioritised higher risk suppliers and
contractors who are attending sites;
because of the drive now to understand
risks like modern slavery, bribery and
corruption within supply chains they need
to expand their understanding and reach
into suppliers of goods and services as well.
Our product was launched at the start of
this year, as a verification rather than an
accreditation tool, but for the customer
they’ve got that visibility into every facet of
their supply chain, which is really exciting
and will help grow the network for our
She concludes: “I love doing this role
because it feels like you’re making a real
di erence, changing outcomes, within a
sector I really care about.”
A lot of large organisations have a long way to go in terms of being
able to analyse and articulate what their base line is when it comes to
things like carbon, how to reduce it and reach net zero.”