16 APRIL 2020
Chris Lyons MD at Systopia, provider of next generation Point of Sale and
payment solutions argues that investing in innovative tech solutions can
transform an on-site catering operation, resulting in an enhanced customer
experience, a more streamlined staffi ng and operational function as well as
increased revenue opportunities
For facilities managers working
within organisations and
businesses with on-site sta canteens
or eateries, there are many factors
at play to ensure the best possible
commercial and social environment is
created for the employees and those
visiting the facilities.
With the average lunch break now
lasting just 22 minutes – which is a
third less than six years ago - having a
quick, easy and seamless operation in
place when it comes to ordering and
purchasing lunch within the workplace
is key in ensuring sta have maximum
time to actually sit down and eat their
food. Long queues, ine icient payment
methods, slow service and peak trading
times all result in precious minutes
being wasted; even if this process takes
just five minutes, that’s nearly a quarter
of the average lunch break gone.
Many FMs that approach us are
looking for ways to streamline their
operation, as well as ensure costs
remain in line with budget. For many, it’s
assumed there needs to be a trade-o
- so if budgets are balanced and profit
margins are met, service has to slip or
vice versa. This simply doesn’t need to
be the case. The answer o en lies in
implementing next generation tech to
support improvements in operational
e iciencies.
We work with mid-sized organisations,
larger global brands and leading FTSE
250 companies to bring innovative Point
of Sale (POS) and payment solutions
that deliver real benefits to their
operation. One London-based global
financial services company we work
with has 3,000 employees on-site and
5,500 transactions passing through their
tills daily. They’ve reported a 25 per cent
reduction in queue lengths since they
installed payment systems. They have
also been able to reduce their payment
points meaning a more streamlined
sta ing schedule.
In addition, next generation tech
also brings access to rich data and
operational insights, allowing FMs to
gain a much greater understanding of
the purchasing habits of their users,
such as the most popular meals and
products, and equally those that
are proving to be less popular. This
enables the catering team to better
manage stock control and understand
where promotions should be targeted
to encourage increased purchasing –
all of which has a positive impact on
the bottom line.
It’s important to understand the
tech solutions that are out there so
informed decisions can be made on
any investments, for example:
A self-service terminal can either
accompany or completely replace a
cashier-sta ed POS. A normally-sta ed
station can easily convert to selfservice,
depending on the time of day,
customer demand and sta ing levels,
helping to reduce queue times and
giving employees the choice of using
a quick and convenient self-service
option. One organisation reported
that 40 per cent of all transactions are
performed on self-service POS, freeing
up some of the catering team to focus
on other aspects of the food service
Provide an on-demand ordering
alternative to the serving counter.
Touch-screen kiosks enable
employees to select items they wish
to order, suggests additional items
to increase impulse purchases and
gives precise product and allergen
information. One organisation
reported a 20 per cent increase in
average receipt turnover compared
to transactions with traditional POS,
as customers could purchase items
without feeling the pressure of the
queue behind them. As they integrate
with secure payment services, the
self-service kiosk means ordering and
payment can all be done as part of one
quick and easy transaction.
Available as part of a user-friendly web
and mobile app, this option allows
food and beverages to be ordered in
advance, meaning customers can select
their collection time to suit their work
schedule, avoid queues and make the
most of break times. This can also lead
to a decrease in operating costs as it
can reduce the amount of pre-prepared
food required and sta ing resources can
be optimised. An optional digital display
can also be positioned at the collection
point so customers can instantly see
when their order is ready for collection.
For organisations and businesses that
have sta on-site early in the morning
and late at night – such as law firms,
large financial firms and so on – the selfservice
solutions also o er increased
revenue generation opportunities by
allowing 24/7 service. Employees can
easily purchase food and beverages out
of hours, meaning sales can be made
without incurring additional sta ing
This can also support an
organisation’s commitment to
sustainability - a key issue to continue
to address as the UK hospitality and
foodservice sector produces one
million tonnes of waste per year. For
example, by being able to o er a 24/7
catering service means food that would
ordinarily be thrown away at the end
of the usual service run, such as prepackaged
sandwiches, can be o ered
to those working later. This reduces the
amount of food that would otherwise
be wasted and also o ers an improved
out of hours service to employees.