While buildings might have gone quiet in
recent weeks, they aren’t empty. The large
office building in Britain where Alan Epps
works usually houses 5,000 people. Right
now, it’s down to just 20 staff working to
maintain critical services like plumbing and
data systems, as well as the building’s general
appearance. #JLLRealStories
Personal protective equipment (PPE) should be
selected based on the results of a situation/
site risk assessment. This includes taking
into consideration the likelihood of exposure
and the activities or work practices being
Health and Safety Executive @H_S_E
We’re providing regular updates on protecting
yourself and your workers during the #COVID19
outbreak. Sign up to our newsletter to find out
NHS Property Services Ltd
company/nhs-property-services-ltd/ COO
Martin Steele wrote to NHS Property Services
Ltd customers on how we are preparing to
help the NHS respond to the coronavirus
(COVID-19) infection at our buildings. For more
information, visit our dedicated webpage: #COVID19
@Antony_Law What an unbelievable industry
we work in. I cannot thank the @Churchill_
Group & all other #FM teams enough for
everything they are doing.
Martin Pickard @thefmguru
Praise for the #Lowpaidnotlowskilled
#Cleaners by both party leaders today but still
no #keyworker status. Along with #Security
and other #FacMan jobs these people are
keeping the nation functioning https://twitter.
IWFM @IWFM_UK Coronavirus (COVID-19)
resources We’ve collaborated with @
IWFM_RBCM to compile advice and resources
to help the profession in your responsibility for
safeguarding colleagues and the public. Visit
our website to stay informed and up to date.
18 APRIL 2020
It’s not o en that a blog literally writes
itself but as we have heard almost
incessantly over the last few days, these
are unprecedented times. The news moves so
quickly that whilst I write this, we are on full
lock down.
Di icult to know where to start when
reflecting on how we are responding to this
as a sector, as businesses and as individuals.
The truth is that none of us will have managed
our way through this type of crisis and every
business continuity or business interruption
plan has now been stress tested to destruction
and new rules apply. The focus must be on what
we do now to ensure the safety of our people
and the general public balanced against the
need to rebuild our economy and have e ective
and successful businesses on the other side of
this crisis.
The theme at this years Workplace futures
was wellbeing and business responsibility and
never before has that felt more prescient than
at this very moment. History will judge us all, as
will all our stakeholders about what we did
when this pandemic threatened to
overwhelm us. The Government
has done their part where
they can; VAT freezes,
business rate adjustments
and access to huge
bridging loans have
undoubtedly helped
stem the panic. In terms
of the human factors
in this crisis the steps
that have been taken
to protect workers that
would otherwise have been
laid o have been genuinely
jaw dropping. Covid 19 is a health
emergency, but a quick view of the
stock markets clearly signifies that it is also an
economic crisis and in the support that was
given to employees and employers we may have
avoided it also becoming a social crisis for the
poorest in our communities.
Those of us that work within the FM sector
and are merrily working from home, fully paid
and isolated from risk must remember that
the businesses we operate are founded on the
cleaners, engineers and tradespeople whose
work is out in the field, on the coalface and not
from the comfort of their own homes. It is these
frontline workers who will not only in some
cases have to work through this crisis because
they work in critical sectors but will also be
crucial to lead our recovery.
Rory Murphy, Commercial Director, VINCI Facilities
This is a time to focus on doing the right
thing for all your stakeholders, your own team,
your customers, your suppliers and more than
ever the communities with which we work.
The world of work has never been so clearly
hyperconnected, if any one had ever queried
the value of a sustainable approach to business
before this crisis, then it is being laid bare for all
to see at this very moment.
Customers across all sectors are having to
reappraise every aspect of their business and
their approach to maintaining and operating
their assets. Many retailers are mothballing
stores while at the other end of the
spectrum healthcare trusts are
desperate for more capacity
and wholesale adaptation.
Suppliers, most of whom
are SMEs, are clearly
We will come through this
Pandemic, although I suspect
we may never feel the same
again, but we must plan for our
futures while protecting all
our stakeholders in the
vulnerable and hugely
concerned about the
longevity of this crisis
and the impact on
their livelihoods. The
teams we have in our
sector that have parental
or caring responsibilities or
underlying health conditions
now find themselves in a
position where they can’t work, as the
immediate term.”
communities in which they live begin to lock
We will come through this Pandemic,
although I suspect we may never feel the same
again, but we must plan for our futures while
protecting all our stakeholders in the immediate
term. Responsibility, pragmatism, fairness,
kindness and empathy are now the order of
the day, alongside safety, reality, resilience
and delivery. Working in our sector has never
been so challenging and many of our teams and
suppliers are at the very front line of this battle.
How we act now will define us as a sector and we
must be able to look back in time and say that,
whatever we had to confront, we did things the
right way.