APRIL 2020 25
consulted and engaged when it comes to
the space they are expected to inhabit. It’s
no longer about providing a sit-stand desk
and announcing an agile working policy.
It’s about changing your sta ’s attitudes
towards workplace change, spending time
and e ort to learn about your employees
inside and outside the workplace and
understanding what tools they need to
perform to the best of their ability.
For example, if you are an SME situated
in a picturesque rural area, there is a
strong chance that your sta enjoy these
surroundings. It might be the reason they
targeted you as an employer. Clients and
customers will likely enjoy visiting too. So,
don’t attempt to hide this rural setting.
Make it your USP. Make the most of every
window, create outdoor spaces, utilise your
environment and create a special place.
Equally, if you are in a high-rise citybased
o ice, your sta are likely to be
aware that much of their environment
is artificial or processed, in
terms of air, lighting and
materials. You should
consider pushing
the boundaries
to create a
more natural,
or fulfilling
space. Living
plant walls
can assist
greatly with
air quality, for
example (2), while
vibrant colours can
be used to distinguish
areas for collaboration,
relaxation and meetings. Even
the names of meeting rooms can be
influential. It’s the attention to small details
that can go a long way towards improving
engagement, productivity and overall
When designing and managing work
environments that support the overall
employee experience, savvy workplace
managers will apply lessons from the
academic disciplines of psychology and
anthropology to ensure the spaces tick
all the right boxes. This sexier side of the
role is set to attract the next generation of
future FMs. Decision-makers and workplace
managers no longer need to be afraid of the
challenge of a relocation, refurbishment
or fit-out.
Of course, any workplace change has
the potential for stress, and managers
need to be particularly careful to avoid too
much disruption. When a transformation is
communicated clearly, executed smoothly
and accurately reflects employees’ needs,
this hugely improves the chances of a
successful outcome.
One of the greatest challenges
facing designers and
workplace managers
today is the growing age
gap between workers.
For larger firms with
hundreds, possibly
thousands of
employees in one
building, having a
22-year-old working
alongside someone
40 years their senior
is not uncommon.
It’s important to
incorporate diverse
areas and facilities that
cater for multiple ages.
This will provide growth
opportunities, help everyone
to embrace technology, ensure
a work-life balance and keep the
human touch.
Agile and flexible
working are rising at
an unstoppable
rate. Over 68 per
cent of workers
now work
remotely to
some degree
(3), which
creates a new
challenge. How
can designers
produce a space
which caters for
a workforce whose
location is fluid and who
may or not be in the o ice on
any given day? The key is to unlock the
potential in flexible space.
In 2018, we refurbished our Reading
headquarters, located in a retail park.
We faced the challenge of a dynamic
workforce, with many full-time employees
spending much of their time visiting client
sites, attending new business pitches and
networking events. We needed a space to
suit a fast-growing team of varying ages
and working styles, with accommodation
for flexible working. We wanted breakout
space for meetings and lunches, a
welcoming environment, and, most
importantly, choice and variety.
Stripping the space back to the bare
bones of four white walls, we started
completely from scratch. We had one
It’s important to incorporate
diverse areas and facilities that
cater for multiple ages. This will
provide growth opportunities, help
everyone to embrace technology,
ensure a work-life balance and
keep the human touch.”