Truvelo UK is helping site owners and tenants
to improve road safety on nonpublic
The aim is to encourage a uniform standard of
responsible driving at all times and everywhere.
Automated tra ic enforcement and compliance is
now commonplace on public roads. Extending their
use onto non-public roads and estates is a logical
next step.
More modern industrial estates, business and
science parks feature physical tra ic-calming
measures as a matter of course. These include
sleeping policemen, kerbs, bollards and lane
geometries designed to limit vehicles’ speeds and/
or proximity to pedestrians.
Where a location is owned or occupied by a
single, larger organisation, technological solutions
will o en have been implemented — cameras
for speed control, vision-based access-control
systems with automatic number plate recognition,
Speed Information Displays (SIDs) and so on. The
technology supports corporate on-site tra ic safety
regimes which monitor and govern the driving
habits of employees, contractors and visitors.
Owners and landlords of larger sites o en provide
similar solutions on behalf of multiple clients on
the same site. However, many locations of a certain
vintage have no measures in place at all. This is
typically because they were built at a time when
tra ic safety was a orded less priority. Since then,
such sites have been considered too small or of
insu icient yield to merit upgrades, or else tenants
have not perceived of a need.
52 JULY 2019
Whether these locations may be considered
safety risks is a point for debate but the cost of
implementing improved tra ic safety need not be
Broadening the o er
Calvin Hutt, Sales &
Marketing Director with
Truvelo (UK), says that
providing drivers with
more uniform levels
of expectation and
responsibility has very
positive e ects.
“On private roads,
spot speed enforcement camera systems can be
used which are not UK Home O ice Type Approved
“This need not mean that they are inaccurate
— in many cases, approval is pending. It actually
means that private sites can o en acquire cuttingedge
solutions ahead of public enforcement
organisations,” Hutt notes.
Truvelo supplies both HOTA and non-HOTA
camera solutions, as well as market-leading LEDbased
SIDs. Uniquely, the company can undertake
in-house all of the civil engineering tasks relating to
systems instalment and tra ic safety-calming.
“Because we don’t subcontract our civil
engineering work, we’re far more flexible in terms
of design e ort where a safety scheme is concerned
— we can cooperate directly with clients to come
up with more cohesive solutions,” Hutt continues.
“As a natural progression of systems installations,
Truvelo sta — fully qualified to work in a roadside
environment and implement tra ic management
— can apply road markings for lanes and parking,
li and drop kerbs, install sleeping policemen and
so on.”
A near-term aim is to launch consultancy services,
with Truvelo providing advice and a design lead. A
further extension will be provision of enforcement
as a service, with cameras being linked to Truvelomanaged
back o ice systems.
“On public roads, unsafe drivers run the risk of
licence endorsements or revocation. This option is
not open to private companies, however they can
choose to exclude from their facilities individuals
and companies who commit serious and/or
persistent o ences. O en, the latter is done on a
points basis, and we o er the data-management
capabilities to facilitate this,” Hutt states.
“Not all of this is punitive, however; managed
services can be used to improve the customer
service of even the smallest companies. This
includes access control — recognising when a
client is arriving and controlling barriers, allocating
parking, providing sta with notifications of visitors’
arrivals and so on.
“These digitised services are Cloud-based and
entirely secure. And, although the emphasis is on
improving safety and — ultimately — saving lives
and preventing injury, the net e ect is an upli in
customer service.”