OCTOBER 2021 49
Science and technology, along with global
e ort in a common cause, has controlled
the worst impact of the Covid pandemic. Now
the more significant challenge of tack-ling
a potentially far more devastating threat to
the world – climate change – has to be solved
by science, technology and innovation in a
common global cause. All of us can and will
have to play our part by changing our habits
and behaviour to reduce the carbon emissions
we are responsible for and reduce the amount
of waste we generate.
Centrego is a small company that is having a
significant impact. The company designs, develops
and manufactures Electrochemical Activation
(ECA) systems that generate a powerful but safe
disinfectant and cleaning solution from simply
water, salt and small amounts of electricity. The
inputs are natural and naturally sustainable – water
and salt – and
the amount
of electricity
used to
generate a
litre of the
solutions is
around 10%
of that used to
boil a kettle.
the real
benefit is that
the solutions
are generated
in situ – at the premises where the solution will
be used. So no transportation of solutions from a
manufacturing plant to a warehouse, then on to
a distributor, then onto you the client, racking up
transport miles and emissions, every month, month
a er month. No plastic containers and packaging
to manage and dispose of. No harmful chemicals
to pose a risk to
the environment
– and sta , and
No synthetic
chemicals to
Of course, the
devices that
generate the ECA
solutions have to
be manufactured
and transported
to a site, and that
creates carbon
Centrego takes
extreme care to
reduce these
to a minimum.
Once on-site, the carbon footprint of generating the
combined cleaning and disinfection solutions is
minimal and uses only water and salt. It takes very
few litres of the solution generated by Centrego’s
ECA solutions to ‘pay-o ’ the carbon emissions from
manufacturing the devices and then be in credit
compared to synthetic, delivered chemicals.
ECA solutions contain the active substances
hypochlorous acid and sodium hypo-chlorite.
Hypochlorous acid (HOCl) is a very powerful
disinfectant. Still, it is safe for humans to use as
it is a compound that macroorganisms produce
as a defence against infection by pathogens. It
is non-toxic, non-hazardous and hypoallergenic.
The solutions revert to slightly salty water
when in contact with organic matter, pos-ing
no environmental risk. It kills microorganisms
including bacteria, viruses (including SARS-CoV-2,
which causes Covid-19), fungi, moulds and spores
virtually on contact at low concentrations with very
high e icacy – up to 99.999% kill rate. The solutions
are used to clean and disinfect hard surfaces
and fabrics in food processing and preparation,
brewing, pharmaceuticals, water treatment,
aquaculture, horticulture and agriculture, and
clinical environments.
Centrego has a range of systems to meet all
applications – from small and medium-sized
devices for general cleaning and disinfection
tasks to large industrial systems. Adopting the
technology allows companies and corporates
to improve hygiene and safety standards for
their facilities, sta , and customers. It also helps
them in their e orts to meet the environmental
and sustainability targets they will be setting. In
addition, it will also save them money in a short
Every company can make a di erence by making
changes that will reduce the environmental impact
of their work. Adopting ECA technology and systems
by itself will not reverse climate change – but it is
an essential step that, when combined with other
innovations, technology and action, will make a
di erence. Be on the right side – of the argument,
the environment, history and the planet. 01373 470638