THE MAIN EVENT A er a three-year gap, the Facilities Show
returns to ExCel this May. We hear from
some of the leading exhibitors on their plans for
the show and what you can expect to see and do
at the world’s leading FM event.
Greg Davies, Director of
Market Development,
Assurity Consulting
says: “The focus on
workplace, facilities and
premises we saw during
the pandemic will be
crucial as we continue
through our recovery,
and this will o er both
challenges and opportunities for our sector. Having
the right information at the right time, to support
a business to make informed decisions must be
central to FM thinking. That is why we’re delighted
to be showcasing Assurity Plus 2.0 property risk
management so ware at the Facilities Show 2022.
What Davies enjoys about the Facilities Show
and other linked events is that they: “provide
42 MAY 2022
that broad ‘one stop’ overview of the profession
with suppliers, practitioners and end users all in
one place. Through the exhibitions, seminars and
networking, it helps give an appreciation of not
only where current thinking is, but what may be
on the horizon too. As a long-time supporter of,
and exhibitor at the Facilities Show, it is great to be
back in-person.
“Since the start of 2020, the FM landscape
has not changed at all in some ways but been
profoundly a ected in others. A myriad of services
and solutions have also grown up around the
pandemic, in tandem with a variety of new and
additional needs being demanded by stakeholders.
Combine these with changing legislation and
there is much to consider. As well as providing that
position snapshot for the industry, the Facilities
Show should therefore help with educational
seminars determing the direction of travel for FM in
the future.”
In terms of the main benefits visitors will get
from visiting both the show and the Assurity stand,
Davies believes: “Health, safety and wellbeing
have and will continue to be high priority,
high value activities for organisations and FM.
Both employers and employees are looking for
reassurance, so need to trust that the information
they are getting.”
Paul Bates, Managing
Director Cleankill Pest
Control says: “Attending
the Facilities Show is one
of the highlights of the
working calendar for the
Cleankill Pest Control
team. We attend many
events during a normal
year but this one is the
biggest and is a perfect fit for us as we specialise in
working with facilities managers – especially those
looking a er multiple sites.
“The show gives us a chance to meet some of our
current customers and have face-to-face contact
with new and potential customers. It’s also an
opportunity to showcase and talk about the wide
range of services we now o er and our emphasis
on green pest control. We’re so pleased that we can
meet people face-to-face a er two years without
the Show.
Greg Davies
Paul Bates