MAY 2022 73
ENERGISING SKILLS Peter Behan, Director of Group Horizon, discusses the
Maintaining a tight grasp on
energy e iciency is crucial
for organisations in both the
short-term and long-term. There is the
significant challenge of the UK’s netzero
carbon by 2050 target looming on
the horizon, and if we are to achieve
this then we must continue to address
the well-documented statistic that
buildings account for over 40 per cent
of the global energy consumption with
commercial premises accounting for
more than half of that figure.
It’s also perhaps not surprising that the
pandemic has had a disproportionate
e ect on young people and their
employment opportunities with global
youth employment dropping by 8.7
per cent last year. On top of this, many
people of varying ages have experienced
serious disruption to their training or
education while embarking on a new
career, stymying their progression and
fostering feelings of uncertainty over
future prospects.
However, while there is still some
way to go, there are now signs that
the economic recovery is gathering
pace and organisations are once again
looking towards the future and bringing
through the next generation of skilled
workers. The introduction of higher
apprenticeships has boosted take-up
amongst qualified individuals who
recognise the ever-expanding range of
opportunities to learn vital occupational
skills and acquire industry recognised
qualifications that will put them firmly
on the path towards a fulfilling and
rewarding career.
For employers, taking on an apprentice
should be viewed as an investment
in the future of the organisation – an
ideal opportunity to address skills gaps,
upskill the workforce and prepare for the
challenges and opportunities that may
lie ahead. Investing in a workforce helps
to retain talent and apprentices gain
the all-important skills and knowledge
needed to drive businesses forward,
taking on the values of the company
and contributing to the development
of a confident, dynamic workforce with
future-ready skills. Businesses that
have previously taken on apprentices
recognise the value they can o er and
the swi return on investment that can
be achieved.
Modern legislation and environmental
targets have made good building
management a priority and Group
Horizon’s Junior Energy Manager
apprenticeship programme has been
designed to help organisations meet
sustainability commitments by reducing
energy consumption and reducing costs,
as well as contributing towards the UK’s
target of net zero carbon by 2050. Due
to the rise of the cost of energy the UK
will become one of the most competitive
market places for energy management
skills over the next five to seven years.
With a major shortage of trained energy
managers, this apprenticeship will help
to address the need for basic in-house
energy management skills which can
benefit organisations and lead to long
term savings.
Liam Doughty, from Gateshead,
previously worked in FM before starting a
new role as an Energy Technician within
Gateshead Council. Doughty did not
have any previous background within the
energy industry, so he took up the Junior
Energy Management apprenticeship
opportunity, a move that he is now
reaping the benefits from. Doughty said:
“The qualification has provided me with
a massive opportunity allowing me to
not only progress with my knowledge
and skills in the energy industry but
help me move forward in my career.
The training has provided me with a
foundation to start within the energy
industry, allowing me to then further my
education in this field.”
Next generation of Building Controls
Engineers will also be key drivers in
evolving technologies. As the world
strives to reduce its carbon footprint,
the importance of e icient building
management continues to grow, and
one of the results of this is that the
technology that goes into buildings,
such as Building Energy Management
Systems (BEMS), whether new-build or
retrofit, is becoming more advanced
than ever. Consequently, there is now a
huge demand for trained and qualified
engineers to install this technology.
For anyone looking to embark on a
career as a BEMS Controls Engineer,
Group Horizon now o ers a three-year
technical training programme. The
BEMS Controls Engineer Apprenticeship
has been designed to address an
industry-wide shortage of BEMS Controls
Engineers and includes a series of
classroom and/or online sessions
covering the technical theory which is
included in the BCIA technical course
modules BCM00 – BCM15.
Zach Stanley, an apprentice with
Kendra Energy, said: “The hours of
learning are in my hands and I can
control it. I am able to attend site with
another engineer each day and learn
a di erent skill or di erent part of the
system and it is amazing that I am able to
have a job and learn at the same time.”
There is clearly plenty of momentum
behind the apprenticeship movement
and whether you are looking to
take on an apprentice or to start an
apprenticeship yourself, there are plenty
of opportunities to get involved.
importance of o ering training and apprenticeships to
help meet demand for skilled engineers