INCLUSIVE VALUES Steve Butler, CEO of Punter Southall Aspire and author of Inclusive Culture:
Leading Change Across Organisations and Industries o ers some personal
advice on creating a diverse and inclusive workplace
The business argument for greater diversity
and inclusion in the workplace is simply this:
the more ways in which you can look at a
problem, the better chance you have of solving it.
Added to that is the fact that every business should
reflect the clients and customers it serves if it really
wants to understand and connect with them.
Making sure that the business I manage is indeed
reflective of society hasn’t always been easy. It has
meant radically adjusting the lens through which I
see the world. At times, I have struggled to find the
right words to use with sta from minority groups.
I have had to find ways to encourage my teams to
change the way they work and persuade people in my
business that the e ort is worth it.
Our most significant strategic issue was the underrepresentation
of female employees in the leadership
structure to avoid the risk of groupthink. To address
this, we replaced the existing executive committee of
eight senior male managers with seven operational
committees that included representatives from
across the business. This led to more diverse,
multigenerational teams contributing to the
leadership and business strategy, and participation
from women at strategy-level committee meetings
increased from 0 per cent to 38 per cent. Women
taking part in the new style of management meetings
say that having their voices heard and valued has
opened a door. Many have fed back that being
involved in these meetings has increased their
confidence and participating in decision-making has
broadened their horizons.
Lindsay Butterworth, Associate Director, Strategic
Planning commented: “I was thrilled when Steve
established the Operating Committees, taking a
leap forward in gender diversity within the business.
Since becoming part of the operating committee, I’ve
gained a greater insight into the business, allowing me
to contribute confidently to the business strategy and
decision-making. Already, I’m seeing huge benefits to
the company of allowing a broader involvement and
diversity in the management structure.”
Added Sarah Tolson, Director of Marketing:
“Becoming part of the Operating Committee has
broadened my understanding of the business and
the challenges faced by colleagues in di erent roles; I
can take this back to my team. On a personal level, I
enjoy taking the meetings and feel my point of view is
always valued.”
The style of management meetings has changed
too. They begin with a sign in where each attendee
takes a minute or two to update the others on what’s
happening in their life, particularly their personal
development and wellbeing. Although there was
some hesitance at first, everyone has fully embraced
the approach, not least because it signals that our
priority as a business is the welfare of our people.
Starting the meeting with a personal reflection breaks
down reserve and sets the tone for the meeting;
then, when you reach the business section, people
are much more transparent and responsive, and the
meeting is far more productive. It also creates better
understanding of what other pressures people in the
team are dealing with in their lives.
This can reduce disagreements and tensions,
heading potential ri s o at the pass. Knowing what
issues they are facing also gives insights into how
to manage individuals in that team. It has improved
team communication and increased openness
and understanding. Critically, it has broken down
the macho approach that’s so common in finance
businesses, where sales and profit are the beginning,
middle and end of meetings.
We have embraced reverse mentoring: when the
mentee is the older or more senior person in the pair,
and the mentor is the younger or more junior person.
Reverse mentoring can be challenging, and some of
the first few meetings can be uncomfortable or even
awkward. The senior manager may struggle with
taking advice from someone who is in a more junior
role in the organisation; a more junior employee may
not feel comfortable with being transparent about
their concerns and priorities or with challenging
the thinking of someone who could hinder their
career. The most important factor that will shape
these meetings in the positive manner intended is
mutual respect. Having respect for one another is
a hallmark of a mentoring relationship, no matter
who the mentee or mentor are. Respect for one
another will show up in how the pair speak to one
another, listen to one another, treat one another,
and treat their relationship. With respect, comes
trust. When mentees and mentors believe the best
in someone and know they are open to giving or
receiving feedback, open to learning from or teaching
something to their partner, and acting with the best
intentions, they build trust in them. This trust may
not come easily, but it is essential for a mentoring
relationship to work.
Making these changes has not been easy and there
is still plenty of work to do, but actions have been
generally positive, well-received, and importantly
progressive. By taking a focused approach to lead and
manage diversity and inclusion within the business,
the outcome has been far reaching.
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