Technology has taken enormous
leaps forward in recent years.
Smart cities, smart buildings
and other IoT systems have moved
applications out of computers and
specialised devices and into the spaces
that we all use every day – including o ice
workspaces, retail shops, hotels and city
The new Atea o ice building in Stavanger,
Norway, has been conceived from the ground
up as a living lab – a test bed and showcase
for these connected and integrated systems.
That concept has given the company’s
facilities managers new insights into
achieving operational excellence, as well
as improving employee productivity and
With the help of Signify, a specialist in
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connected lighting systems for the internet
of things (IoT), and networking and telecoms
company Cisco, Atea has transformed its
o ice into a showcase for the workplace of
the future. “By saying that this building is
a living lab, we’re thinking of it as a place
where we do our proof of concepts,” says
Espen Riska, Smart Buildings Director at
Atea Stavanger. “By being in a living lab, we
are constantly evolving; we are constantly
trying and testing our own products and our
partners’ products by using them ourselves.”
Atea is a specialist in IT infrastructure for
businesses and public sector organisations
in Europe’s Nordic and Baltic regions. With
7,400 employees and 4,000 consultants
located in 87 o ices across seven countries
– Norway, Sweden, Denmark, Finland,
Lithuania, Latvia, and Estonia – it has a strong
local presence in each market it serves,
o ering a full range of hardware and so ware
from the world’s top technology companies.
The systems in the Stavanger building are
based on cutting-edge technology. It allows
facilities managers to work with technical
specialists to experiment with di erent
solutions, and constantly review, test and
upgrade these to improve their e ectiveness.
Working as a living lab is an ongoing process,
as technologies continue to evolve and as
Atea’s facilities managers’ understanding and
experience continue to deepen.
The living lab idea is about delivering on
a more scientific vision for managing the
operation of a building and the sta that use
it. The new technologies include a personal
control app for the lighting system, an
accurate indoor location system that uses
a combination of LED lighting and Cisco
DNA Spaces, multisensors, and even li-fi
for light-based, high-bandwidth wireless
In the building, all systems are on a single
converged IP network. This represents
Harnessing the power of the latest connected technologies
has improved the performance of the Atea Stavanger building
in Norway and enhanced the comfort of its occupants says
Jonathan Weinert of IoT and connected lighting company Signify