shows how much power the building is
using. Data feeds from weather and other
informational websites show the current
conditions outdoors, alongside information
from power generated by solar cells on the
roof and CO levels per building floor.
FMs can even drill down on a specific
feature or product represented in the digital
twin to view technical documentation for
management, operations and maintenance
purposes. Technicians can track when
maintenance was last performed on fire
extinguishers or in rest rooms.
The Atea Stavanger headquarters uses
location-based technology from Cisco and
Signify to give employees and facilities
managers new services. For employees,
indoor navigation can reduce the amount of
time spent searching for available meeting
rooms or an open desk. For facilities
managers, space optimisation reveals tra ic
patterns, hot spots and underutilised areas
within the building, allowing workspace
planners to design the ultimate floorplan
based on understanding where people tend
to hang out.
The indoor location system in the Atea
building delivers location-based services
to employees, accurate to 50cm, making
it possible to locate people and resources
with a high degree of accuracy. Atea has
integrated this technology with calendars
and scheduling, allowing employees to
easily find and book free rooms to reduce
the amount of time wasted walking around
searching for available meeting spaces –
26 NOVEMBER 2019
up to 30 minutes per day per employee,
according to one industry estimate.
Taking this one step further for facilities
managers, the technology uses the meeting
room cameras to count the number of
people, automatically adjusting conditions
in meeting rooms based on occupancy
and other factors. For example, the system
automatically kicks in when there are more
than 12 people in the room, or when CO
levels rise above the threshold defined for
maximum comfort and alertness.
Getting the proper light throughout the day
is crucial for maintaining the human body’s
natural circadian rhythm, which governs
alertness and a healthy sleep-wake cycle.
Because people spend so much time indoors,
especially in o ice environments, artificial
lighting can disrupt this rhythm and interfere
with employees’ concentration, energy, and
To support employee wellbeing at Atea
Stavanger, a glass-roofed atrium in the centre
of the building introduces generous amounts
of natural light. The atrium roof also features
a bio-adaptive lighting application to
reinforce employees’ circadian health.
The application uses a lighting ‘recipe’
based on research into the e ect of light on
the human circadian cycle throughout the
day. The lighting slowly changes intensity
and colour temperature depending on
the hour of the day – brighter, bluer light
in the morning to energise, so er, redder
Getting the proper light
throughout the day is crucial for
maintaining the human body’s
natural circadian rhythm, which
governs alertness and a
healthy sleep-wake
light towards the end of the working day
to relax, for example. The system runs
automatically so that employees don’t need
to think about it, but they reap the benefits
in terms of enhanced alertness, comfort and
Facilities managers play a crucial role in
delivering the best employee experience
possible, and with the advent of these new
technology solutions, that experience can
be more intuitive than ever before. “You can
have all the machines and the sensors and
everything, but as long as the employees are
not happy with it, you’re unsuccessful,” says
Espen Riska.