32 NOVEMBER 2019
The dominance of technology in our daily
lives requires o ice employees to spend
much of their time answering emails, writing
reports, and participating in web conferences
– all of which require prolonged periods of
computer use. For the average worker, this
has led to an increase in musculoskeletal
issues and complaints such as eyestrain, lower
back pain and wrist discomfort. In 2017-2018,
musculoskeletal disorders accounted for 6.6
million days lost, on average, with each person
su ering taking around 14 days o work (1).
More and more organisations are beginning
to see the link between worker discomfort,
absenteeism, and rising costs. Proactively
addressing physical discomfort has become
an important business strategy. Enlightened
organisations are increasingly looking at
the configuration of their spaces to allow for
movement, as well as supportive tools such as
chairs, sit-stand desks, and flexible monitor arms
and task lighting.
It’s not a rarity to see employees tapping away
on trains and buses, even walking down the
Agile workplaces promote movement and variety – but to be eff ective,
offi ce furnishings need to be truly fl exible, says Sukhneet Assee,
Associate Ergonomist UK & Ireland at Humanscale