NOVEMBER 2019 29
sustainable buildings.
Furthermore, there are new challenges
to face: the growing choice of technological
solutions now available on the market,
an influx of unstructured data, and the
potential for app fatigue.
The first step to overcoming these
challenges is to accept there is a problem
in the first place. With support from a
BMS consultant and regular maintenance
checks, it is easy to assume a building
is operating as e iciently as possible.
However, without real operational data, it is
di icult to know if this is actually the case.
More o en than not, the reality is quite the
For example, the 4D Monitoring energy
management platform is responsible for
tracking the performance of HVAC systems
in over 250 commercial sites nationwide.
In 69 per cent of those sites, the system
has identified issues with the central plant,
including runtime errors and unnecessary
24/7 operation. That is a significant number
of properties not operating at maximum
e iciency, despite rigorous maintenance
regimes and regular BMS checks.
By assuming there is a problem, facilities
managers begin on the front foot. It
means they are in a position to proactively
identify solutions that will
deliver e iciencies. The
right application of
smart building
technology will
give facilities
the data
they need
to achieve
this –
and if it
that their
are already
e iciently, they
will have the means to
demonstrate it.
By assuming buildings are
operating ine iciently, even if everything
looks fine on the surface, and embracing
technology that provides accurate
performance data, facilities managers can
proactively acquire the visibility needed to
create smarter, more sustainable buildings.
But what technology should they be
looking for? What should be measured? And
what should they do with the information
once they have it?
Facilities managers can focus their
attention on many di erent areas,
but using technology to analyse the
performance of the central plant is a
cost-e ective way to improve operational
e iciency and reduce energy spend. A
traditional BMS is designed to enable
FMs to control central plant operation.
However, human intervention, coupled
with changing tenant requirements, means
critical systems can begin to run outside
of the required timeframes, without site
management teams necessarily being
aware of it.
A straightforward solution is to use retrofit,
remote monitoring technology that utilises
sensors to provide live HVAC performance
data. Sensors can track temperatures,
pressures, flow rates, power output,
lighting levels and more from within the
central plant. This data is sent to a cloudbased
platform, where it can be accessed
remotely at any time. Facilities managers
can leverage the data to identify whether
equipment is operating out of line with
building occupancy hours.
As well as measuring the performance
of critical assets within the plant, sensors
– integrated into one central system – can
provide further touchpoints that solve
other issues. For example, air-handling
unit filters are normally replaced
every four to six months as
standard maintenance
practice. By placing
an airflow sensor
either side of
the filter, it
is possible
to measure
dust buildup.
the right
set points
in place,
the platform
should be
able to send a
message to the
contractor to change
the filter when it is actually
In other words, the building is actively
telling stakeholders when something needs
to be done, which o ers an opportunity to
create new and better models for building
Similarly, sensors can be used to
track bathroom tra ic across multi-let
commercial o ices, hospitals or other
large sites. Cleaning resources can then
be allocated to washrooms with a heavier
Where secondary air-conditioning
systems are present within the tenant
demise – as is common in commercial
properties – ambient room temperatures
can be tracked to establish whether these
systems are operating out of line with
an individual tenant’s occupancy hours.
Equipped with these insights, facilities
managers can collaborate closely with
tenants to ensure air conditioning is shut
down correctly.
Crucially, any monitoring platform must
go further than simply providing live
performance data. It must actively inform
facilities managers and other stakeholders
when there is a problem, and point the
way to tangible solutions. It must also
be intuitive and easy to use. In this way,
it will become more than an instrument
to measure asset performance, footfall,
lighting or air quality; it will provide
actionable insights that non-technical
personnel can leverage to create smart,
sustainable buildings, as well as the
reporting tools necessary to prove success.
In summary, facilities managers are the
gatekeepers to the success of any remote
monitoring tool. Equipped with actionable,
intuitive data insights, they can acquire
true visibility of the operation of their
building and deliver significant change on
the ground. By taking ownership of the
right technology, FMs can demonstrate how
the actions they take directly and positively
impact energy consumption, utility spend,
service charge, tenant wellbeing and more.
FMs can focus their
attention on many different
areas, but using technology to
analyse the performance of the
central plant is a cost-effective
way to improve operational
effi ciency and reduce
energy spend.”