In FMJ's regular monthly column, our team of FM experts answer your
questions about the world of facilities management
We can describe the
facilities sector as a
thankless job. On a good
day we solve problems,
on a bad day, things have
the ability to go horribly
wrong. It is a job where
in some cases the level of
responsibility outweighs
the financial package. The
majority of facilities roles
are not based in one place.
This has both a positive and
negative e ect on those
individuals who choose to be facilities managers.
Many FMs do not see their line managers very
o en as they are not o ice based, leading to (in
some cases) the feeling of being undervalued.
One of the most important things we can
do within the sector is to ensure that line
managers are given the time and training to
enable them to be e ective managers in such
situations. This means being able to spend
time with sta in order to understand their
needs. We need managers to be able to relate
to the pressures of ‘being on the road’. We need
to be able to take the time to sit and speak with
individual FMs, discuss the issues on site and advise
accordingly. In the majority of circumstances, sta are
not undervalued; it is more the case that management fail
to convey their appreciation as they should. In my experience,
20 MARCH 2020
it is astonishing how far a kind
word or a thank you can go in
ensuring that sta feel valued
and empowered.
Working for a company with a
negative culture is an issue in all
sectors. In the main, this culture
will be led by senior management
and is hard to overcome. The best any
of us can do is realise our worth, make
the decision (that we choose) not to work
within those conditions and find an alternative
place to work where you are valued and not deemed
as only being ‘as good as your last mistake.’ It does take
courage - but those that make the decision to leave due to a
toxic environment, will be the influencers for those who need
to realise what changes need to be made.
We need to keep growing the sector to allow it to remain
interesting. The addition of energy management and
sustainability has helped us grow as a vocation, however more
training is needed from the FMs perspective to ensure that the
level of understanding meets that of the requirements. Access
to courses in general needs to be improved, that includes all
facilities management training. Standard training courses
need to evolve which means managers do not sit in the same
conference room, listening to the same speeches year on year.
Let’s promote best practice, be it within our own organisations
or externally. Let us be proud of our properties, be proud of our
chosen career and be appreciative of what we can learn and, in
some cases, teach others.
To enable us to amass facilities leaders of tomorrow, we need
to plan for tomorrow, we need to give people the confidence
to stand up and ask the di icult questions, to have the courage
to walk away from negative cultures and toxic environments,
for FMs to have the knowledge and comprehension
to be able to think about the future and what it
holds. To give people space to be innovative
and open to new ideas. Allow people to
make mistakes as long as they learn from
them and ultimately to be proud of what
we do.
Attracting talent in the facilities sector
is growing harder; with the rise of SME
companies, known brands are losing their
influence and finding it harder to compete for sta .
Flexibility and influence are becoming important drivers, with
According to a recent
report by The Institute
of Leadership &
Management 47 per
cent of recipients who
said they are dissatisfied
in their current role feel
undervalued by their
managers. Other factors
linked to dissatisfaction include
a lack of growth and development
opportunities, low salary and negative
company culture. What more can the facilities
sector be doing to attract and retain future leaders
within their organisations?
Vicky Thorp
Many FMs do not see
their line managers very often
as they are not office based,
leading to (in some cases) the
feeling of being undervalued.”
– Vicky Thorp