The reality is that sometimes the right selection
is not always the most functional so ware, but
the combination of vendor and product that will
be the most e ective at achieving the objectives
set at the beginning of the selection process.
The FM industry is evolving at speed, and
providers need the tools to keep up. Relying
on paper, spreadsheets, job cards and other
outmoded forms of data collection no longer
su ice – in today’s technologically-driven world,
access to a CAFM solution is fast becoming
While numerous organisations remain hesitant
to bring this technology on board, whether that
is due to costs, concerns over integration, or
simple resistance to embracing change, every
year more and more FM providers are reaping
the benefits of CAFM solutions.
However, not all CAFM systems are created
equal. So, what should potential buyers be
aware of?
Investing in an e ective CAFM system and
applying it correctly presents many advantages
to FM teams, including:
Reduced downtime
Better control over data
Higher productivity
Happier employees
Environmental sustainability
Greater savings over time.
But those considering this so ware should be
discerning when determining the right system
for them. First, you should leave a good period
of time to research, purchase and implement the
system. A year (or at least six months for smaller
departments) will give you time to ensure you
locate and install a system that meets your
It’s important to know what to look for in a
quality CAFM solution (and supplier). This will
vary from team to team, but in most cases you’ll
want to consider the following:
Ease of integration. Will the system easily
integrate with others in your facilities? Your
CAFM solution should comprehensively cover
your FM responsibilities and link seamlessly with
your invoicing, purchasing, financing and other
so ware.
Access to apps. As FM becomes increasingly
mobile, an e ective CAFM solution should
provide access to a variety of apps designed to
streamline workflow, manage maintenance tasks
and support employee wellbeing on the go.
Agile systems. As technology and facilities
continue to evolve at pace, having a CAFM
system that can easily bolt-on additional
modules is crucial to ensuring your so ware is
always up to date and never static.
Industry experience. Does your supplier have
34 MARCH 2020
experience within your industry? Ideally,
they will have tangible examples of how their
solution has benefited others in your position
to give you reassurance.
Responsiveness to feedback. Your
supplier should recognise the value of
listening and reacting to client insight. This
ensures future developments stay in line with
the shi ing needs of the industry.
Support network. Your supplier should
be capable at handling the installation and
integration of your system, and readily
available when you require support.
Forward-thinking supplier. Does the
vendor have a department focused on
mind-mapping current and upcoming
innovations like IoT and smart buildings? A
forward-thinking supplier will be dedicated
to constantly growing their system in
accordance with industry standards.
Demonstrable ROI. Make sure your
supplier can demonstrate an acceptable
return on investment. This will help to make
the business and financial case for investing
in CAFM.
In the coming years, expect to see a more
future-focused approach to procurement.
Currently, buyers tend to prioritise a system
that covers the core needs of reactive and
planned maintenance, then return to their
provider to further expand this with so ware
and applications associated with wellbeing,
space management, smart buildings and
so on.
With the growing realisation of CAFM’s
potential as a true enterprise system,
introducing more all-encompassing solutions
from the outset should be prioritised moving
Facilities management is an operational
business, with compliance and service
delivery being two key drivers prompting
companies to invest in a CAFM system.
When researching the right product, one of
the most important considerations comes
down to cost – yet companies should look
far deeper than this. Making sure you choose
a system that o ers value for money means
looking beyond initial purchase cost.
CAFM packages can vary significantly, so
it’s essential to really scrutinise the longterm
cost of the product – not just the initial
outlay. For example, is there a charge for
additional modules? What about upgrades?
Are there limits on data storage before you
incur charges? Ideally, look for providers
who don’t charge extra to scale the product,
and ensure there are no hidden licence or
implementation costs.
Configurability should also be considered;
any costs saved during purchase will be
quickly negated if teams have to spend a
significant amount of time customising it
themselves. Find out if the time to configure
is included in the initial purchase cost; will
vendor support be provided to tailor the
product to your organisational needs?
Essentially, a great CAFM system is one that
can evolve seamlessly in line with the needs
of the company. The financial implications
of this should be explored thoroughly during
selection. The benefits of implementing the
right CAFM solution are huge – but so are the
costs of implementing the wrong one.
Investment in technology can feel like a leap
into the unknown. That’s why it’s crucial to
surround yourself with good people, who are
experienced and have a long track record in
deploying CAFM systems.
Ideally you should partner with a vendor
who can help you take a proactive approach
to facilities management. Therefore, once
you’ve looked into the actual product, look
into the company providing it. There’s nothing
more valuable than experience and reputation
– find a partner who has the knowledge to
help you achieve your FM goals, and can o er
support and guidance whenever you need it.
Versatility is king
Facilities management is extremely diverse
– every estate is di erent, with contrasting
challenges and needs. Therefore, versatility
is king. That’s versatility in the product itself
– its ability to be moulded and fit in with
your current systems – and versatility in the
provider, by having su icient cross-sector
experience to o er the right support at the
right time. Look for providers who have a
broad track record across sectors, as this
usually indicates that their product can flex
easily to suit a wide variety of industries.
A collaborative relationship between
provider and customer leads to better
outcomes. Your voice should always be
important, so it’s wise to ask prospective
CAFM companies about ongoing product
development and whether this is informed by
actual customer feedback. Finding a provider
that hosts regular user groups or forums
can be a real asset, and shows a genuine
commitment to collaboration.
While features like a reliable helpdesk and
reporting functionality are crucial, so too is
the ability to access these out in the field.
Finding out how well the product works
remotely is essential, even if you don’t intend
to launch mobile working straight away.
Being able to grant access to key personnel
such as contractors means they can
manage their own workload, report back on
completed tasks and work far more e iciently.
Keeping business moving is vital if companies
are to achieve their financial and productivity
targets – and the right CAFM system can be
pivotal in realising these goals by mobilising
your workforce.