MARCH 2020 49
Wellbeing in the workplace has rightly
become a central focal point within recent
years. Employee health matters. A happy,
healthy team is a productive one and
vital to the success of most (if not all)
The built environment plays an integral
role in the wellbeing of your workforce.
Everything from health and safety, through
to installed services, environmental factors
and access to natural light play a part in
the physical and psychological welfare of
your people. This is where your facilities
management comes into play.
Sta spend a significant number of hours
within the environment that you cultivate
and the services, safety, culture and
ambiance you provide can directly a ect
their happiness. Mental fatigue and stress
plagues many working adults. According to
LFS 602,000 workers in the UK su ered from
work related stress, depression or anxiety
in 2018/19. Forward thinking companies are
prioritising comfort and refreshment areas,
as well as colleague interaction and breaks,
to improve work-life quality and balance.
The contractors and outsourced services
that your Facilities Manager chooses to
support your business should reflect both the
psychological and functional factors directly
associated with your sta . The appropriate
knowledge and training in both areas will
assist you in adequately meeting the needs
of your employees and creating a wellness
culture in which they can thrive.
For this reason, Artic is sending 10 sta
members from within our management team
(including business development, admin
and contract managers) to complete ‘Mental
Health in the Workplace’ training. Our aim is
to raise awareness and equip our managers
with the emotional intelligence and resilience
that could arise within the workplace. Artic
are committed to the clients that we serve
and the health and wellbeing of every person
at every site we support. 0345 308 2300
The NEC’s commitment to customer experience
some of the hand dryers to identify where it
has gone a step further with the introduction
is located and some washrooms also have a
of a toilet and washroom review app. The UK’s
Cleen Tablet to enable customers to leave a
leading exhibition venue is now using the UK’s
review without a phone.
first fully integrated management tool and
Users can either compliment accessible and
review app, Cleen.
clean washrooms or post feedback on issues
The Cleen App has been devised by Derby-based
such as the need to refresh soap supplies or
HSG. It is free to download and enables customers
toilet paper. The reviews are easy to post by
and visitors to log reviews of washrooms.
clicking di erent icons and users can even
The Cleen App is available to download via the
upload photographs to support their review.
Apple store or Android store. Each toilet at the NEC
These can then be viewed by other Cleen App
has its own individual QR code displayed above
The NEC has its own Cleen
Dashboard which is a complete
washroom management tool. This enables
the venue to have immediate access to the
Cleen App reviews so that it can take action
and directly respond to customer feedback.
Furthermore, a second Changing Places
fully-accessible toilet for people with
disabilities has been installed in the NEC
Piazza, and this has its own dedicated
review section on the Cleen App .
The Changing Places washroom is larger
than standard facilities to accommodate a
wheelchair user and their carer, allowing
them to manoeuvre with ease, plus equipment
including a height adjustable adult-sized changing
bench, ceiling hoist and height adjustable
Steve Cartmell, Group FM Contract Support
Manager said: “We are committed to providing
all our customers with the very best experience
“The Cleen App and the introduction of another
Changing Places toilet will further enhance our o er
to visitors and ensure that they can alert us if there
are any issues we need to deal with quickly.” 0207 803 2876