MARCH 2020 29
This long lifespan and low energy use makes
LEDs economically attractive. They not only
lead to lower running and maintenance bills,
but they pay for themselves quickly. The
payback period for an o ice newly kitted
out with state-of-the-art LED lighting will
typically be around three years.
A recent installation of LED panels for
an organisation in Manchester led to a
significant reduction in the overall number
of fittings needed, while providing a greater
spread of high-quality light. As a result, the
company saved approximately £2,600 per
year on energy consumption, with a payback
period of 33 months.
Although the initial price tag of LEDs is
higher than traditional lighting solutions,
many providers give businesses the option
to lease-purchase the equipment, which
means they don’t need to front up the
capital cost.
LEDs play a role in sustainability. According
to data and analytics company Nielsen(2),
81 per cent of the world’s consumers feel
strongly that organisations should help to
improve the environment, highlighting how
corporate sustainability has become crucial
to commercial success. Subsequently,
firms are increasingly incorporating ecofriendly
practices into their internal and
external operations – something which
also contributes to workforce satisfaction
and is attractive to new recruits, especially
LEDs are considered green technology, as
their manufacture and use cause minimal
damage to the environment. Unlike
traditional lighting sources, LEDs do not
contain hazardous chemicals, such as toxic
mercury, which makes them eligible for
recycling. In addition, their extended lifespan
reduces waste and the environmental costs
associated with production.
As mentioned above, the annual kW/hr
consumption of an LED is much lower than
that of traditional halogens and fluorescents,
causing fewer greenhouse gases to be
released into the atmosphere. In 2017 it
was reported that use of LEDs reduced
total CO emissions from lighting by an
estimated 570 million tonnes(3).
Organisations are increasingly expected
to provide a personalised environment
for sta ; the Harvard Business Review,
for example, found that one-third of
employees wish to control their overhead
and desk lighting at work(4). With LED lights
able to operate at virtually any percentage
of their rated power (0-100 per cent), users
can be given complete control over the
brightness of their task lighting.
In addition, LEDs can be used to emit
light in one direction as opposed to all
around, making them ideal for
applications such as task
lighting and recessed
downlights. Energy
consumption is
reduced because
no light is
wasted, and
lighting can be
tailored more
precisely to
individual needs.
On top of cost savings and
flexible design possibilities, LEDs are also
a highly practical choice for organisations.
By turning light into energy instead of
heat, LEDs operate at a significantly lower
temperature than other lamps. They
are cool-to-touch, enabling lamps to be
changed safely without the risk of burning.
Low radiated heat also makes LEDs ideal
for use in heat-sensitive areas, such as
spaces displaying artwork, reducing the
risk of damage or adverse e ects.
Durable and reliable, LEDs are equally
as e ective in colder conditions.
They are more robust than
traditional light sources, able to
resist temperature fluctuations,
vibration and jostling, such as
ceiling fan fixtures.
Finally, replacing ceiling-mounted
fluorescent tubes with LED panels limits
problems of dust. This is a common issue
with fluorescent lights, which, due to their
static electricity, collect and spread dust
around the o ice and have to be cleaned or
replaced every couple of years.
In summary, we believe LEDs are the future
of commercial lighting. They provide longterm
cost savings and are a safe, reliable
and long-lasting option in a wide range
of applications. The flexibility and quality
of LED lighting contributes to employee
performance, happiness and wellbeing.
LEDs are environmentally friendly, helping
to reduce the emission of greenhouse gases.
Organisations switching to LEDs are not
only benefiting their sta and their bottom
line, they are meeting the expectations of an
increasingly eco-conscious public.
Organisations are
increasingly expected to provide
a personalised environment for
staff; the Harvard Business Review,
for example, found that one-third of
employees wish to control their
overhead and desk lighting
at work.”
(1) www.fmj.co.uk/fm-trends-a-wrap-up-of-2019-and-apeak
(2) www.nielsen.com/eu/en/insights/article/2018/globalconsumers
(3) https://news.ihsmarkit.com/press-release/energy/
(4) https://hbr.org/2019/08/survey-what-employees-wantmost