MARCH 2020 33
resolution? Should the system be able to
fully integrate with BIM? It is important
to create an e icient selection process so
that you are not wasting time talking to
suppliers who will not match the need.
When considering the purchase of a CAFM
system, it is important to select a list of
key criteria against which fair comparisons
can be made. This goes beyond the
functionality required in a system (such as
resource scheduling or space management)
and should focus on strategic requirements,
including number of users required
now as well as consideration
for potential business
growth and product
Any supporting
IT infrastructure
should be
addressed, for
example, whether
the system will run
on the organisation’s
own server or if a cloud
(hosted) solution is more
appropriate. The business
should also consider its financial
requirements at this point, such as
a budget for the system as well as any
additional allowance for training or future
system maintenance.
When individual systems are not
integrated, elements have to be operated
separately and by way of a manual
process, which can be time-consuming
and can potentially introduce errors. When
scaled up across a large organisation with
multiple sites, complex operations and
large volumes of data, the downside of
non-integration is enormous. Organisations
should speak to CAFM vendors about
how their so ware can integrate with
other products. API is the recommended
connection, but some vendors also have the
capacity to map data for di erent interfaces,
meaning any number of applications can be
connected with the CAFM system.
Sta buy-In
Building a multiskilled project team is
an important factor in the success of the
potential project. Consider building a
dedicated team with members across the
business in order to clearly communicate
the requirements and resources of di erent
areas. Involve the users, or a group of
representatives, in the selection process.
These are the people who will use the
system on a daily basis, and they
will provide valuable input on
what they require the system to
achieve; involving them will secure
their buy-in. The identification
of a senior project sponsor and
a defined project manager is
important, involving them early in
the process to secure their buy-in.
Finding synergy with your FM
so ware vendor is high on the list
of priorities too. Choose a vendor with
experience who can o er relevant advice and
not just take your literal requirements.
When considering what type of supplier
is preferred, the business needs to look at
whether it is buying low-cost so ware or
a long-term solution with ongoing quality
support and assistance. Is the supplier
financially sound and what level of resource
do they have? Do they have industry-specific
experience? Can they provide continued
help and guidance if this is needed? Can
their so ware be customised to reflect the
organisation’s development? It should be as
much about the company and type of longterm
partnership you expect to develop as
the so ware itself.
for each department, and creating a
communications plan to launch your
new system.
You also need to consider what type
of ongoing relationship you want with
your CAFM vendor. An engaging, ongoing
partnership can help drive a successful
implementation by assisting in change
management and system adoption and
proficiency long a er the so ware has first
been installed. Your CAFM supplier should
also be able to provide a wide range of
training courses, too. Don’t look to save
budget when it comes to training, it’s a false
economy. The more familiar your people are
with the system, the more value you’ll get
out of it.
CAFM systems are not simply ‘plug
and play’, so be prepared to invest time
and resources to achieve a successful
procurement. It’s a strategic move which
will improve the e iciency of your business,
so you need to get the decision right. You’re
e ectively appointing the vendor as a longterm
partner – it’s not just about buying
so ware. So look beyond the technology
and consider if the company has su icient
knowledge, experience and resources you
can call upon over the next five to 10 years
or more.
While it’s important that the CAFM solution
can cover all bases, it’s other vendor
competencies such as professional services,
future innovation and helping you drive
maximum value from the system that all
need to be carefully considered too.
CAFM so ware has become an essential
backbone to the FM industry, giving
facilities managers an operational and
strategic advantage with the potential to
manage thousands of assets, resources and
operatives through a single interface. Even
emerging technologies such as the internet
of things (IoT) and augmented reality (AR)
can be handled and utilised more easily with
the strong foundation of CAFM.
Every organisation is di erent. Selecting
the best CAFM system to meet requirements
can seem challenging and time-consuming,
but armed with the right information this
process can be greatly simplified.
Any CAFM so ware project should begin
with a feasibility study. This not only makes
sure that the business is ready to invest in a
system before the project advances too far,
but also helps identify the organisation’s key
requirements and ensure a solution is chosen
to match. For example, is self-service relevant
to your company? Does the system need to
cover planned and reactive maintenance?
Are mobile devices needed to speed up job
Finding synergy with your
FM software vendor is high on
the list of priorities too. Choose
a vendor with experience who
can off er relevant advice and
not just take your literal